by Dr. Walter L. Wilson
O NE of the most interesting of God’s creations is the ant. While they may be small, they can teach us some big lessons. One of the first things we can learn in view of the proper perspective of life, is that we must be diligent. Old age is coming when we won’t be able to do so much. But beyond this is eternity when we won’t be able to do anything for those who know not Christ. The Lord tells us to “go to the ant. Consider her ways and be wise’’ (Prov. 30:25- 28). Ants are always busy. Of course, the ones we normally see are females. The males stay underground and do the housework. There are no appar ent wasted energies that we can note. The ant somehow instinctively knows that winter’s coming when food won’t be available. There is much to be accomplished here and now. We need to follow such exemplary practice. Beloved, prepare yourself, not only for this life, but also, and more im portantly, for the one to come. Get ready to meet God. The only way you can do it. is to get to the Saviour. Come to Him for cleansing. Let Him blot out your sins with His precious blood. He’ll do it the minute you trust Him. Do you know that 33 things take place the minute you trust the Saviour? What a miraculous trans formation! One of the most impor tant is that you will get prepared by the precious blood of Jesus to have a meeting with God over there in the Gloryland. Another interesting thing about ants is that they will never touch anything another ant has handled. From this we should learn the lesson of honesty. Don’t take away some one else’s reputation; don’t injure him in any way, whether physically 12
or by your words. Let him know you’re a real friend so that you can be a blessing to him. Ants always try to help each other. If one gets a broken leg, two ants will come along, load her up on their backs, and carry her down into her nest below. Another interesting thing about ants is that they don’t work in the dark. The Lord tells us, “While you have the light, walk in the light.” The time will come when the doors for Gospel ministry will be shut. We had a young man in the hospital one day who gave us a false name and address. He became very sick. As he faeed death, the doctor told the intern to tell him that he couldn’t live. We would have to know where to send his body, and whom to notify. Not until then did we find out who he really was. He had kept us in the dark about himself. He pleaded with the intern, “Won’t you get a preach er for me?” The young doctor had to tell him, “I’ve just come to work here. I don’t live in this city. But I’ll try to get some information from any of the nurses on duty.” By a strange coincidence of fa te , the nurses had just been changed the week before. They didn’t live in Kansas City either. No one seemed to know a preacher to recommend. Any they tried were busy at the time. That poor fellow died in the dark. When he had the strength and health, he didn’t care anything about the Saviour. When it was too late, he got concerned, but then there wasn’t anybody to help. All was dark ness. Some days later, the young in tern sought me out at my office. He was greatly disturbed as he con fessed, “I have a father and mother who are missionaries in China for
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