by Dr. Lloyd T. Anderson
P art I S cripture speaks to us eloquently concerning Calvary and its deep est meanings. In Luke 23:33 there are four most impressive words, “There they crucified Him.” There was a tremendous climax to our Sav iour’s earthly life. Prophecies from centuries past were culminated in that hour. The life-long sacrificial ceremonies were ended at the cross. The mighty God had humbled Him self when Christ came as a child. In the cross we see the concluding demonstration of His matchless love. Charles Haddon Spurgeon de clared, “The cross of Calvary was the source of love, and the fountain head of the sacrifices which have gone forth to heal, to succour and to renew men. It is the birthplace of hope cheering man on his way. With out the cross, man makes the mis take of missing the great Deliverer of the human soul.” The music of the cross God made rich with the notes of love, reconciliation, and spir itual victory. After hearing the glo rious sounds that come from Calvary, even the loveliest melodies of great composers seem to be faint and dis tant echoes of the essential music of the universe (John 3:16). The su preme melody is reconciliation. God and man can be brought together (II Cor. 5:19). Atonement “at-one- ment” ) is now available for the wan dering sons of men because of Christ’s finished work. There is nothing of superficial beauty in the cross. The scene of majesty is not in the wood or the thorns, but in the deeper and intrin sic spiritual beauty. This is what has captured the hearts of millions down through the centuries. Meditat- 18
ing upon the subject should increase our love for the Lord. You can see His blood upon the rose, and in the stars, the glory of His eyes. His body gleams amid eternal snows; His tears fall down from the skies. We see His lovely face in every flower; the thunder and the singing of the birds are but His voice. All pathways by His feet are worn. His strong heart stirs the ever-beating sea. His crown of thorns is twined with every thorn. His cross can be seen in every tree. Every value of life must be revalued against the background of the cross. Man's own worth is vin dicated by the cross. It was the cross of Calvary that first gave man a sense of the unique, indestructible value of the human soul. The world by wisdom knew not God. It was through the cross that men from all walks and strata of life itself have been drawn to eternal life. The problems of evil, human suffering, sorrow and sacrifice are all centered and dealt with in the crucifixion. What was Africa before Livingstone and others entered into it with a message of the cross? The same was true of India before Carey and Judson carried the message of truth and hope. The cross is the magnet of Christianity. “And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me,” is the word of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. When the historic day of Calvary made its appearance, Jesus hung up on the cross as a common criminal. His tormentors put Him to the ut most shame. If we allow the cross to lose its glory, then we are at the mercy of every wind of doctrine. Our faith would go to pieces with out the cross. The true church most
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