When all was accomplished and the victorious cry, “It is finished!” had gone forth, Jesus uttered His last words that consummated all His confidence in God’s care: “Father, into thy hands I commend my spir it.” It was essential to His sacri fice that He, who should bear the curse of the divine law as a substi tute for lost men and women, should Himself be without any condemna tion from that law in respect to His own character. At the beginning of His public ministry, the Lord went to John the Baptist to be baptized of Him in Jordan. Peter, writing of redemption, speaks of Christ as “a Lamb without blemish and without spot.” Christ was the true sin offer ing whose character was foreshad owed in the requirement of the Old Testament ritual of the book of Levi ticus (6:25). Remarkably, the Bible makes no mention of the reaction of any man or woman to the supernatural dark ness. That was true as far as priests, soldiers, or even the feeble few who loved Jesus there standing by His cross. Now, every sound has been hushed and every voice has been stilled, so that we might listen to that single piercing cry, “My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me?” This is the only key to the darkness. Otherwise it would be an impenetrable mystery. With man do ing his worst, Jesus spoke words of forgiveness and deepest blessing. So the cross of Christ again today gives us the hope and assurance of eternal life with Him forevermore. It’s useless to have an aim in life unless you are prepared to use the ammunition to back it up. Whatever is begun in anger will end in shame. The world needs more warm hearts and fewer hot heads.
SLOTH OR SERVICE What a wonderful privilege it is to have the opportunity of serving the Lord. Some people, however, have a rather mistaken idea of what it means to work for Him. One day a minister received a call from an individual who wanted to know something about join ing the church. The preacher rightly reminded him, “One of the things you’ll want to think about is in which depart ment of the church you might prefer to serve.” The prospective member was quite shocked at the suggestion. He protested, “Oh, I’m not in anything like that.” The pastor was very patient, smiling kindly he explained further, “You see, it’s our custom to have all members divided into different services: some work in Sunday school, others in the music department, on the finance committee, the missionary emphasis group, and so on. I’m thankful, too, that we have many who serve as church visitors.” The inquirer interrupted, “I didn’t know this was that kind of church! I think it might be well if I visit some others before making up my mind about joining.” The minister was most kind and gracious. As he shook hands with the man he suggested with a friendly smile, “Ours is known as the church of the Saviour. It may be that you’re looking for the church of heavr enly rest.” It’s unfortunately true that there are too many people today simply seeking to satisfy their own conscience by joining a church. Membership is fine, but as good as that may be, de nominational affiliation will never save a man. Salvation can come only through personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ! If you’ve never experienced this peace and joy, remember it can be yours. There is no other way to find real sat isfaction, and this is the only entrance to heaven. “For there is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved.” Only Christ could declare, “I am the door. By me if any man enter in, he shall be saved and shall go in and out and find pasture.”
Some people get carried away by the sound of their own voice, unfortunately, however, not far enough.
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