Biola Broadcaster - 1969-10


the case of Lazarus, if he did know anything about his experience, he never mentioned it. After all, he was in the presence of the One who is the resurrection and the life. Before Christ’s death, hades (or “sheol” in the Old Testament) was composed of two parts. There was the abode of the wicked dead and the abode of the righteous. The latter was also known as Paradise and Abraham’s bosom. The abode of the righteous dead is what Christ emptied at His resurrection. God, in His infinite power, can raise any single individ­ ual at any time He chooses. The dead who were brought back to life had not been cases of suspended anima­ tion. They had actually died. The miracles were not restorations but rather resurrections in the full sense of the word. Of course, they did have to die again and will have to await the final resurrection when Christ returns. They were given their same human bodies. When our Lord Jesus Christ came out of the grave, His was a glorified body, not limited by the laws of time and space. So shall ours be when we see Him face to face. It is important to realize that the Bible does give us general rules. But these do not tie the hands of God. For instance, Enoch and Elijah never died. That doesn’t mean that when we read in Hebrews 9, that it is appointed for all men to die, is in error. The ex­ ception always proves the rule. Look at all the millions who have died. Death is the penalty for sin. Our Lord Jesus Christ died in our place

Q. (Name of town withheld), Ariz. — “Our marriage is near the breaking point. I feel a change in my life would give us a chance. I am a Chris­ tian but haven’t been as submissive as I should." A. The teaching of the Bible is very clear that the wife is to be in sub­ jection to her husband. This can very often be one of the most difficult problems in marriage. The other is equally difficult if the husband is not showing love for his wife, even as he loves his own flesh from a human standpoint. While the man should be the head of the house, yet he must take his wife into consideration in every aspect. It’s not a case of su­ periority or inferiority but of mutual co-operation. We want to assure this person, as well as the many others who have written on a similar sub­ ject, that you have our earnest in­ terest in prayer concern before the Throne of Grace. Q. New Westminster, B.C., Can.. — “Could you answer something that puzzles me? I t is about Tabitha, and also the young man who fell out of the upper room and died. Both were restored to life. If their spirits had gone to paradise, how could they come back? Doesn’t the Bible say that every person dies once? This makes it rather confusing. If they did come back, do you think that they had any memory of where they had been?” A. In answer to this last query, in 22

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