STRENGTH IN UN ITY Missionaries have related interesting illustrations from the field concerning truths by which we can live. It was Robert Moffatt who first told about the cunning practice of serpents in Africa in slithering up the trees and taking eggs or young birds from their nests. In order to protect themselves from the marauders, all of the different birds of the jungle assembled together to screech and scream in protest. Regard less of how these feathered creatures may have disliked each other before the imminent danger, they became unit ed together in a common cause, hoping they might frighten the snake down from the tree. Those who are truly bom again, regardless of the denomina tion, need to realize the vital unity among believers against their common foe, Satan. The devil is always doing all that he possibly can, whether he displays himself in liberalism, modern ism. some growing cult, or by drawing people into the dread tentacles of Com munism^ Yes, our common enemy is al ways before us. Let us awake from lethargy and apathy! We must faith fully proclaim the glorious Gospel for this alone can set the captives free. Remember the words of Scripture ? “For if a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. If a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand.” Give us, God, the strength, the faith, and the determina tion to live and work for Thee until Thy Son comes again.
In the battle of right against wrong, no Christian can afford to be neutral.
T IME IS ENDING Did you know that during the Mid dle Ages, one of the most heinous de vices for driving a person insane was that of a cell designed to close in slowly on its victim? When a prisoner first entered the cubicle, it seemed to be nothing more than the four walls of a prison cell. After he had been there a few days, he began to get the dis tinct feeling that the dimensions of his quarters were becoming smaller. Beat ing on the walls in terror, he was help less keep the contracting sides from their oppression. Slowly and terribly the screaming victim eventually was crushed to death. In a very real sense, this is symbolic of the sinner’s ever-narrowing day of grace. Think what the poor tortured victim would have given to see an open door and a means to escape for his life. Listen, just such a doo ris open to all men if they will but flee to the Saviour while the hour of grace is still with us. It’s both sad and foolish that many have excuses in their minds. They value their physical lives but they neg lect the reality of eternity. It reminds us of the man who brushed his teeth twice a day and had his doctor examine 27
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