BIOLA STUDENTS NEED SPONSORS The tuition paid by a Biola student covers only about one-half of the actual cost of his education. The other half of the cost must come from concerned donors who want to have a share in the preparation of dedicated young people who will go out to serve the Lord wher ever He chooses to lead them. For more detailed information, with out obligation, please check the appro priate item or items and mail coupon to BIOLA.
on earth, will have full possession of the new body, and that it will be wholly adapted to the new heavenly environment, even in a far greater sense than this present body is adapt ed to its present environment. “And let it be remembered that, despite all the changes to be wrought in these bodies, individuality will not be lost. Whatever change may be un dergone, this much is clear: each person will receive a body fitted to his personality, and through which he may fitly express himself. The in dividuality that characterizes people now, and differentiates them from each other, will also be theirs in the state of glory. “The inevitable conclusion then is that the believer will not only live, but be his own true self in the life beyond. That is not true of him now. He cannot be his best self here. There is too much wrong with him. But before he enters upon that eternal existence in the resurrection body, all grossness, all imperfection, all immaturity will have been complete ly and forever removed in order that there will be nothing to hinder him. Personal identity will be retained forever, and God will give to each his own body. Surely it is enough to satisfy anyone to know that his body will be like Christ’s own glorious body throughout eternity!” Jealousy is to the soul what sickness is to the body. It’s wrong to think that revenge is sweet, for in the end it will leave noth ing but a bitter taste. People today seem to be able to af ford all of the luxuries, but they com plain bitterly about the cost of neces sities. We learn some things from prosperity, but we learn many more things from adversity.
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