The two year, FY 2019-20 and FY 2020-21, Public Works (PW) Department operating budgets focuses resources on essential services to meet the City’s strategic goals. The Public Works Department is entrusted with developing, building and maintaining public infrastructure and facilities. The Department’s budget is based on the continuation of essential, mandated and City Council-directed services and includes General Fund expenditures and cost allocations for FY 19-20 is $26,957,505 and revenues of $1,451,486; FY
2020-21 is $27,248,770 and revenues of $1,478,402. The budget provides for a total of 140.3 full-time employees, 5.2 part-time employees (in FTEs) for both the General Fund and all Special Funds. The organizational structure, the services it will provide during both years, and the revenues and expenditures required to implement the services are detailed in the subsequent pages.
Strategic Goals
Maintain and enhance the physical environment
Promote a safe and secure community
Promote economic prosperity
Promote effective government
Strategic Goals & Objectives Maintain and rehabilitate City landscape, roadways, traffic signals, bicycle trails, parking lots, facilities, and bridges in accordance with the City’s strategic goals. ✔ Provide well-maintained parks and City facilities. ✔ Provide timely response to assistance calls for accident clean-up, roadway debris removal and emergencies, including storm and hazardous material spill responses and facilities’ maintenance needs and concerns. ✔ Prevent deterioration of the City’s infrastructure through a planned schedule of maintenance. Implement the City’s annual Capital Improvement Program and advance the City’s strategic goals for capital improvement.
Provide the highest quality service at the most cost-effective rate.
Provide community communication and public outreach.
Create a healthy, sustainable, and resilient city while furthering the City’s long history of environmental leadership and stewardship.
FY 2019-21 Proposed Budget
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