Gifts, Bequests and Donations to the City Gifts and donations will be evaluated to determine what, if any, obligations are to be placed upon the City. Gifts and bequests will be considered as “over and above” basic City appropriations. Gifts, donations and/or bequests given to the City for the use of any of its departments or divisions and accepted shall be solely for the purpose intended by the donor. Unrestricted gifts will be expended on the recommendation of the related commission or other advisory board.
Gifts, donations and bequests shall be recorded in accordance with the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.
Development Fee Deferrals Recognizing some fees are collected in advance of the work being performed and revenue collected in the prior year funds current expenses, a budget and accounting methodology for the recognition and deferral of Development Fees is necessary. By recognizing and deferring Development Fees on an established basis, the revenue activity will be more accurate relative to the revenue budget. The Development Fee deferred revenues from the prior fiscal year will be recognized and posted to the appropriate current year revenue accounts during the new fiscal year. At the end of each fiscal year, Community Development and Public Works staff will provide an estimate to Fiscal Services for the fee amount and accounts collected during the year that should be deferred to the next fiscal year. Fiscal Services will process journal entries recognizing prior year deferred revenues and deferring appropriate current year revenues as appropriate. At the end of each fiscal year, the total amount deferred will be reallocated to the next fiscal year based on this procedure. Additional City Policies The Community Services department is also governed by other City Council policies that establish user fee structures and/or cost recovery goals for specific programs and services. City policies can be found at www.cityofirvine.org/transparency-portal.
Community Facilities Reservation Policy
Athletics and Aquatics Facilities Reservation Policy Joint Use Agreements for reciprocal use of City and school district facilities Orange County Great Park Sports Complex Field Allocation and Fee Policy Orange County Great Park Balloon and the Carousel Fees Relationship Policy for reciprocal support between the City and community partner Community Services Department Fees
FY 2019-21 Proposed Budget
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