City of Irvine - Fiscal Year 2019-21 Proposed Budget



The graphs on the following pages provide information regarding the City’s historical and projected per capita General Fund expenditures; General Fund revenues and transfers-in by department and budget category; General Fund operating expenditures and transfers-out by department and budget category; total resources and appropriations; detailed summary for all funds; and four year comparisons of revenues and expenditures for all funds.

PER CAPITA EXPENDITURES Per capita costs as budgeted $701 after adjusting for population growth and inflation.

Chart Notes *CPI adjusted January 2019 Bureau and Labor Statistics (everything stated in terms of January 2019). *Population comes from the California Department of Finance *Expenditures exclude transfers-out (aside from LLPM and Educational Partnership) to other funds for better comparability.

FY 2019-21 Proposed Budget


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