King's Business - 1920-01


THE K I NG ' S BUS I NESS judge the secrets of men.” Rom. 2:16. Golden Text Illustration. A little girl came very early one morning to her mother, saying, “ Which is worse, mamma, to tell a lie or to steal?” The mother replied that both were so sinful she could not tell which was worse. “ Well, mamma,” replied the little one. “ I’ve been thinking a good deal about it, and I think it’s ever so much worse to lie than steal.” “Why,, my child?” asked the mother. “ Well,, you see, mamma, it’s like this,” said! the child. “ If you steal a thing you can take it back, unless you have eaten it, and then you can pay for it, but a. lie is forever.” v. 1. But a certain man. The chap­ ter begins with the significant word but . It is the word of failure and decline. Nothing had marred the precious scenes COMMENTS FROM of fellowship___ MANY SOURCES “ but”' ___ a n d Keith L. Brooks of evil begins.— Gaebelein. The devil now strikes the first discordant note in the early church. He is ever on the job where the Holy Spirit has been at work.— Sel. Sold a possession. The plan of Ananias and Sapphira was to bring part of their property and put it in the general fund but keep back part for themselves and yet at the same time enjoy the distribution of the gen­ eral fund. It was a deliberate fraud.— Torrey. v. 2. Kept back part. Beware of being ambitious to be counted religious and liberal while secretly cherishing selfish motives, for this is lending one­ self to Satan.— Sum. Bible. While at the same time they professed to be bringing the whole sum.— Camb. Bible. They could not take God’s word that they should be provided for but thought they would play a wiser part than the with this little word the story

■will be honest whether you buy me or not.” Precept and Practice Should Be Wedded. An old man in a country town, who was well known as being better at preaching than practising, once got a sharp rebuff. One of the first to get up in a testimony meeting, he began: “ I’m glad my feet are on the rock!” “ They ain’t !” said a stern voice from the back of the little hall, which caused the old man to halt. “ They be in a pair of boots you ain’t paid for,” continued the inter­ rupter, who was the local shoemaker. A minister was once told that Mrs, —- was converted. “ I doubt it," said the preacher. “ I called on her the other day and found her home as dirty as ever.” He was right, for she turned out to be unreal. Dirt is always detest­ able to the devout. “ Such were some of you, but ye are washed.” 1 Cor. 6:11. Dying Will Out. A poor woman in Cincinnati ap­ proached Dr. Geo. Herrman and said, “ Doctor, do you ever do anything for charity? I am a poor woman and have heart trouble. Won’t you examine my heart with the X-rays free of cost?” “ Yes, I will,” said the doctor. “ But doctor, I do not wish to take off my waist. You can make the examination without taking it off, can’t you?” asked the woman. “ It would be best to take it off, but if you insist keep it on,” was the reply. The X-ray machine began to crackle, and the physician gazed at her heart. Happening to look a bit lower, he was surprised to see some twenty-dollar gold pieces which were hidden in a chamois bag under the woman’s garment. “ How is my heart, Doctor?” ' “ Your heart is pretty bad,” he said. “ You lied when you said you were poor. Take that money out of your waist and pay me five dollars.” The woman nearly collapsed, but paid the - five dollars on her person. “ God shall

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