THE K I N G ’ S BUS I NESS rest had done and lay up for the rainy day.:—Henry. Many are brought to gross lying by reigning pride and af fectation of the applause of men, par ticularly in works of charity to the poor.— Sel. His wife consenting to it. The coolness with which they planned the deception aggravated the guilt of this couple.— J. F. & B. Laid at the apostles’ feet. Community of property was not a law in the church. It was the expression of a high spiritual state. It was the domination of the spiritual over the temporal interests. It was purely a voluntary matter. Ananias wanted the credit of liberality and at the same time to hold back sufficient premium upon his apparent devotion. — Haldeman. Probably among the new Christians a kind of holy rivalry had sprung up, everyone eager to place his means at the disposal of the apostles.— Olshau- sen. The new-born zeal of some might outrun their abiding principle while others might be tempted to seek credit for a liberality which was not in their character.— J. F. & B. Either to gain reputation among the people (2:47) or to procure for themselves in perpetuity a maintenance from the common funds. We know from Peter’s Epistle (2 Pet. 2:3) that it was soon foretold that men would rise in the Christian community who through covetousness would with feigned words make merchandise of the society.-—Lumby. v. 3. But Peter said. Remember here the words of the Lord and the other disciples (Matt. 16:19; 18:18) concerning binding and loosing. The binding and loosing refers to discipline on earth. It has nothing to do with forgiveness of sins or personal salva tion. Peter here exercises this author ity. It was the first discipline.— Sel. Satan filled thine heart. The devil had attacked the church from without but now works from within.— Pettingill. The fact that his sin originated with Satan did not lessen but aggravated his
109 guilt. He had entered into partnership with the devil and that is what every liar is doing (Jn. 8:44). To lie to the Holy Ghost. He who lies to the Holy Ghost in him lies to God above him. (v. 4).— Cook. Peter had no doubt as to the personality of the Holy Spirit. You cannot lie to an influ ence.—Meyer. v. 4. Why hast thou conceived this? Had it been a sin of infirmity through the surprise of a temptation, Peter would have taken Ananias aside and bid him go home and fetch the rest of the money, but he knew that his heart was fully set in him to do this evil and therefore allowed him not space to repent.—Henry. Thou hast not lied to men but God. Some people pro fess cream and practice skim-milk. Beware of going to greater length in your profession than your inner life will stand.— Davis. There is much lying to God in these days. When we stand up in consecration meetings and say we have surrendered all and that our all is on the altar when in fact our all is not on the altar, it is a He to God. —Torrey. Those who make promises and vows to God are warned not to be slack in the payment of such vows, for God will require it at our hands (Deut. 23:21; Is. 50:14).—Haldeman. Do not regard Ananias as a liar 1900 years old. He is the liar of today and is present in every congregation. He represents those who say they have done all they can when they know their statement is a lie.— Parker. Was it not in thine own power? This is the glory of all Christian service, that it is voluntary, expressive of the will and of the vital love of the person ren dering that service. Nothing is done of constraint.-—People’s Bible. v. 5. -Ananias fell down. The Holy Ghost had given Peter a knowledge of the deception which Ananias was seek ing to practice on the church and most likely also of the punishment which
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