T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S good deed is always a bulwark of the Gospel. While the prisoners are saved from punishment, they are forbidden to teach or preach. They calmly announce their purpose to disobey. Their resolu tion is prompted by the Holy Spirit. This is a literal fulfilment of the prom ise in Matt. 10:19, 20. WEDNESDAY, Jan. 21. Acts 4:23-30. The Appeal to God. The apostles are in a strait from which there seems no deliverance. To go on with their work in the face of this prohibition would be a contempt of court that would mean their destruc tion. They recognize their helplessness and throw themselves on God. They address Him not as the searcher of hearts as in Ch. 1:24, not as lover and friend but as Creator and Ruler of men. The Greek word is literally despot. Op pressed by the despotism of man, they invoke a Divine and celestial Despot. They recite the second Psalm and plead its promises, having the spiritual in sight to perceive that its prophecy cov ers their situation. Their prayer recog nizes Christ in the place of power and vindicates the propriety of addressing Him directly. THURSDAY, Jan. 22. Acts 4:30-37. Answer to Prayer. The prayer of the disciples is definite and pointed. They do not ask that their persecutors may be given a better heart. They do not ask that they may be saved from persecution. They only ask that they may have strength to do their duty, to keep on doing what they had been doing and what they said that they would do. If they did their part, they were sure that God would do His. The answer to this prayer is immediate and significant. There was an earthquake. The Maker of the earth is also its shaked. He answers in the character to which they made appeal. His power shall open the way before them and
117 they shall continue to preach the Gos pel. God can shake the earth as easily now as then if necessary. Heb. 12-26 27. Satan’s Effort Frustrated. Satan’s hostility to healing may be accounted for when we consider it to be a sign of the age to come. Satan’s time is up then and he knows it. Of course he disapproves of any anticipa tion or earnest of it. His first method of attempting to suppress the Gospel was by means of violence. It failed utterly for two reasons. The people were favorable, Acts 4:21, and the an gels delivered the imprisoned witnesses. Acts 5:19. A moral issue can never be successfully met by physical force. The blood of the martyrs is the seed pf the church. Converts never multiplied so rapidly as when confession of Christ meant persecution and possible death. SATURDAY, Jan. 24. Psalm 27, The Nature and Need of Courage. The word courage is derived from two Latin words meaning a good heart, a sound active, working healthy heart. If a man’s heart is right, he is usually in good health. If a man has organic heart trouble, no matter how well he may seem to be, he is liable to drop dead at any time. This determines spir itual health also. The first need of a sinner is to have a heart of flesh instead of a heart of stone. Ezek. 1 1 : 19 . The Christian should have a pure heart, an undivided heart, a fearless heart and a heart in which the love of God is shed abroad. Enlargement of the heart is worth praying and working for. Psalm 119:32. SUNDAY, Jan. 25. Acts 5:1-11. Peter Stands Up for Truth and Honesty. This passage reveals the sacredness FRIDAY, Jan. 23. Psalm 2.
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