IO THE K I NG ' S BUS I NESS they have come to the conclusion it is quite illogical and unreasonable? Have they really weighed the facts concerning the death and the resurrec tion of the Lord Jesus Christ and found them to be unreliable? Do they mean that these intelligent folks have put Jesus Christ to the test in the way prescribed by the Word of God and have found the challenges are empty ? They mean nothing of the kind. The fact is that people “ believe not the truth because they have pleasure in unrighteousnss” (2 Thess. 2:12). The vast majority of people are living careless lives. They do not want the blessings held out by the Gospel although most of them fully intend some time to turn to the Savior when they have had their fill of pleasure. For the present they do not want to part with their sins and live that life they well know belongs to those who have truly embraced the Gospel. There is that innate objection in the human heart to having to do with God and His Son Jesus Christ. “ They will not come to Him that they might have life” — and that is the real answer to these assertions. It should be remembered that the Gospel of'the cross of Christ was never thrown down before men that they might look it Over and pass judgment upon it. It is not for men to say what God ought to do and ought not to do or what God would or would not do. God’s thoughts are not our thoughts and His ways are not our ways. The Gospel has made its progress in the world because of its power to meet the deepest need ,,of souls, and the men who are at present claiming that thinking men cannot logically accept it could as easily settle the question of the truth as the humblest sinner were it not for the natural pride of their hearts.—K. L. B. jWj. S&y A W O R D to the W ise A California Sunday School has for the past year supplied its 2,000 members with The King’s Business every month in place of the Sunday School quarterlies formerly used. The Lord has marvelously blessed this school and the spiritual growth seen in its members has satisfied the officers that the investment was a golden one, and the order has been renewed. The monthly visitor that has sup plied these Christian people not only with safe and practical lesson helps, but with daily devotional studies, choice Bible outlines, solid studies by renowned teachers and editorials on vital religious themes, could not do otherwise than tone up the spiritual life of the Sunday School and the whole church as well. It will be said that only a wealthy church could put through such an enter prise. How was it done? A large number were persuaded to subscribe for them selves and the balance was subscribed by two or three persons of means who saw the opportunity to make a definite investment for Jesus Christ. Great joy has come to these donors as they have beheld the result of their investment and as the Sunday School grows they will no doubt continue to share the burden of the expense. Have you thought about The King’s Business for your Sunday School? It can be done. We make a special price of 75c a year on subscriptions sent in from Sunday Schools. Get your teachers to subscribe and as many others of the adult scholars as will. Then for the needs of your Home Department and young people, ask the Lord to lay the matter on the hearts of those in your church or community who are able to foot the bill. For our part, we will do our best to furnish ouf readers with the most pointed lesson material and the most practical and spiritual Bible helps.—K. L. B.
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