T HE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
counterfeiting, as one might say that there were no more insects, the cold having destroyed them. FRIDAY, Jan. 30. Rev. 21:1-8. The Doom of the Liar. Veracity is the cardinal virtue, of manhood as chastity is of womanhood. No greater insult can he given to man or woman than to accuse either of a violation of these respective virtues. Unbelief is the greatest of all sins be cause it makes God a liar. Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord because He is a God of truth. Satan is the original liar and the father of lies and all liars share his destiny and doom. There are no white lies. All are black and devilish. SATURDAY, Jan. 31. John 14:1-7. Truth Incarnate. Simplicity and duplicity are con trasted terms. Simplex is of a single fold, duplex of a double fold. No greater compliment could be paid a man than to call him simple-minded but ow ing to the depravity of man and the consequent corruption of his speech, the word has degenerated into a synonym for idiocy. Simplicity belongs to Christ, duplicity, belongs to the Devil. Jesus was always open and transparent. He is the same yesterday, today and for ever. Satan is one thing today and another tomorrow. He is never the same and never appears undisguised. Christ is the incarnate truth. Satan is the living lie. ■sia -Sife M M GIVE “ Give as you would if an angel Awaited your gift at the door. Give as you would if to-morrow Found you, where giving would be no more; Give as you would TO THE MASTER, If you met HIS searching look; Give as you would of your substance If HIS hand your offering ,took.”
'^II!IIIIIIII!!!II!II!!IIIIIIIIIIIIII!IIII!!!IIIIIIIIIIII!IIIIIIIIII|||||||]||||||||UIIIIIIIIIIII! | | ||||||^ | Present Day Fulfillments § of Christ’sWords | By G. c. G. | BiliiiiiiiiiiiiMilllllliliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiy Leaving out the longer predictions made by Christ, let us take a look at some of the shorter ones which are now being fulfilled in the eyes of the world. Their fulfillment appeared very unlike ly at the time of their utterance,— yes, and many a time since then, for His sayings have been more bitterly fought against than any others. They still pre vail, however, for He predicted, “ My words shall not pass away.” He forej told of the woman who anointed Him in the humble home in Bethany,-— “ Verily I say unto you, wheresover this gospel shall be preached throughout the whole world, this also that she hath done shall be spoken of, for a memorial of her.” The first of the two far- reaching prophecies contained in that statement was, that “ this gospel” of His would “ be preached throughout the whole world,” and the other was that “ a memorial of” that devoted woman would likewise be published everywhere with it. Both have certainly been proving true. Another and similar prediction is recorded in Acts 1:8, in- which the Lord declared that His dis ciples (though naturally weak and fearful) should be witnesses unto Him “ unto the uttermost part of the earth.” That distant part of the world was not even known to our race when the prophecy was given,-Shut we of 1900 years later know how surely all such things have come to pass. Most of His parables were prophetic. Indeed the New Testament as a whple is of that order, because the entire spiritual course of this gospel age was outlined in it in advance, and nothing has gone contrary to that outline.
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