King's Business - 1920-01

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


Whose' “ day” has given such glorious spiritual light to the world? Whose standard of life and character is so high, pure and heavenly? Whose “ day” has seen so many, yes untold millions saved from sin of all kinds and degrees, —made useful and happy during life, and then victorious in death? Whose teachings and example have been such a blessing to all kinds of men? Whose “ day” has furnished so many millions of self-denying disciples who have proved their sincerity by dying as mar­ tyrs for Him, or have proved their wil­ lingness to be such by the scorn and persecutions they have meekly suf­ fered for His cause? Truly, “ their rock is not as our Rock, even our enemies themselves being judges!” When the Lord Jesus put forth the apparently astounding claim that He was “ the light of the world” it was necessary that it should also prove to be true as a prophecy for all the cen­ turies that were to follow, or else it could not be true at all. Nothing short of almighty power could or would have sustained that exalted claim ever since! If that “ light” had not come, bringing for the first time, with authority and power, “ life and immortality -to light through the gosp e l,—there would have been nothing more to save, the world from the darkness of heathenism, etc., than the narrow ray so feebly offered by Judaism! Christ’s “ light” has fully met all the multitude of tests put upon it during this long and trying age by both' its friends and its foes. The un­ told millions who have accepted it and walked in it have found it overwhelm­ ingly convincing,-i^fOr it has led them into thoroughly proving by their own experiences that Christ Himself is in­ deed “ the way, the truth and the life” , which He proclaimed Himself to be. None of those who have ever “ felt after and found Him” have had an idea that He could ever be eclipsed by any other

Such foreknowledge as Christ mani­ fested was possible only to God. It proved conclusively that He was fully competent to make the predictions which He did about the awful eternal fate of all those who would refuse or neglect to take the pure and holy route which He indicated as being the only way to heaven. One of the numerous things the New Testament pointed out was that while the world was to be evangelized by the gospel, it was not expected to be converted during the present dispensa­ tion. It showed that the age is to end in a “ falling away” , or departure from “ the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.” Christ even inti­ mated, by asking a question upon one occasion, that He expected to find but little of “ the faith” when He returned to the earth. Just as the Lord Jesus predicted it would be,— eighteen hundred years ago saw the Jewish temple “ left desolate” unto that race,— and from that time “ Jerusalem has been trodden down of the Gentiles,” and also “ blindness in part has happened to Israel,” as the nations have seen throughout this church-age. The other, or implied, part of the prediction will ere long fully dawn, and the holy city, etc., will again be restored to those to whom it was long ago promised. Following that the Jewish “ blindness in part” will be removed by the manifestation to be given them at the coming of the Lord during these “ latter days.” Christ prophesied that He would have His “ day,” even as Noah had, who was the world’s “ preacher of righteous­ ness” before the Flood. What a multi­ tude of evidences there are that He has been, and is still having, His “ day” as the world’s preacher of perfect righteousness! The chief calendar of the world is recording its length. Whose “ day” has ever equaled His’

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