King's Business - 1920-01

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


being or thing. One of the evidences of having really found the Lord is the fact of being heartily and intensely satisfied with Him. No other religion than Christ’s even claims to possess that atonement for sin which is so ab­ solutely necessary for our fallen ra ceB . and no other being than a divine one,— the God-man,— could possibly make a sufficient atonement! No other system whatever is suitable for all races and ages. No other is free from errors in doctrine. No other has a founder whose claims are sustained by present- day fulfillments of a variety of pro­ phecies published ages ago,— including the predicted “ signs” of the promised return to earth! If such prophecies had been attempted by or for any mere­ ly human founder,—what ridiculous failures would have been the result-! Indeed, when the many thousands of different volumes which Christianity has produced are read; when the hosts of marvelous and miraculous things in its history are investigated; when the many millions of testimonials of those who have in their own hearts thorough­ ly proven its divine power are weighed, and when all the excellent things which together form the spiritual religion that Jesus established are summed up, it must be admitted that it was absolute­ ly Impossible for any mere man,— espe­ cially one who was only about thirty years of age, and living in such dark times as prevailed 1900 years ago,— to have set up such a holy, benevolent and perfect system in a few years! Conse­ quently its Author must have been “ God manifest in the flesh,” and it ail must have come from the one and only Source of all good!

been successively the pastors of one church, a strong church of more than a thousand members. “ The platform of the first could, have been.expressed in these words: ‘Here I am, let me do all I can for you.’ And they let him. He was big-bodied, big- hearted, sympathetic, enthusiastic, in­ dustrious— and he worked for them. He was the ‘bond slave’ of his congre­ gation. “ The platform of the second man could have been expressed in these words: ‘Here am I, do all you can for me.’ And strange to say they did. They praised him, bragged about him, sent him to Europe, and read with unre- •strained delight the reports about him­ self and his work which he regularly sent to the papers. He was the private chaplain of his congregation. “ The third man came and he said: ‘Here is Jesus Christ, do all you can for Him.’ And strange to say they did. Immediately their vision was enlarged, their evangelistic activities stirred, their gifts to missions doubled, their ideals changed. He made that congregation over. He was an ambassador of God. All three of these ministers succeed­ ed, but only one of them had the true ideal of success.” ¿¡Mi. ate ate THAT OLD SELF Self drives away thoughts of heaven with the flourish of a bankbook. Self tires us so with our work that we sleep at our prayers, and smothers three verses of the Bible with twelve pages of the newspaper. Self drives away the peace of God with worries, and with the world’s clamor ■deafens our ears to the still small voice. You never can conquer yourself. Get another self. You have heard of the mystery of the Holy Spirit. O, solve the mystery. He is reaching out eager arms to you. He alone can ransom you from yourself. — Selected.

DO YOU KNOW THEM? An Ithaca, N. Y., minister related the following: “ I know three ministers; they have

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