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cause of his blind conceit, he failed to see that he was hut the despised whip, just as was Nebuchadnezzar 2520 years before. It follows that if the times of the Gen tiles have ended, the culmination of the prophecies relative to Jerusalem and Israel is not far distant, and that indeed, the coming of the Lord for His church is still nearer at hand. The last part of the book is given to newspaper and magazine comments on events connected with the war and many of these appear to be most significant as bearing on the prophecies of the closing days of the age. The second book was called forth by reason of letters sent to the author by leading Bible students many of whom, in the main, agreed with her conclu sions. Several vital questions, however, were called up for further explanation. The first objection raised was that the times of the Gentiles would not end until the Lord actually came. Answer ing this, the author points out the dis tinction between “ times of the Gen tiles” and “ fullness of the Gentiles.” Jerusalem is to be trodden down until the TIMES of the Gentiles are fulfilled, but she thinks the completing of the church, or gathering out of the full number from the Gentiles (Acts 15:14) may be consumated in an intermediate period. Another strong objection raised is that we cannot say that Jerusalem is no longer trodden down of the Gentiles. It is alleged that prophecy indicates that a more ruthless treading down is still future (Rev. 11:2) during the Great Tribulation. To this the author answers that the latter treading down clearly refers, not to the whole city, but only to a part of it. This indicates to the author’s mind, that the former treading down must needs be fulfilled before the latter and peculiar treading down of part of the city in the Great Tribulation, could be set ill motion. She believes that the city has been permanently de livered from the downtreading of Gen tile domination and that the allied na tions will not again permit the former conditions. It is now guaranteed as the home land of the ’Jewish people.
Watchman, What of the Night? The Times of the Gentiles.
Two exceedingly interesting books devoted to the question of “ the times of the Gentiles” have recently come from the pen of Jessie Sage Robertson. The first of these is entitled, “ Watchman, What of the Night?”S-the second is a supplement to the first and is entitled “ The Times of the Gentiles.” The author takes the position that the times of the Gentiles, in strict ac cordance with prophetic numbers, came to an end in December, 1917. Her sys tem of reckoning is based on the year- day theory familiar to many— 2520 years for Gentile times, however the author goes somewhat farther in her attempt to verify the correct starting date than many previous writers on the subject. It will be remembered that December 8-9, 1917, when Allenby took Jerusalem, proved to be Kislev 24-25 in the Jewish calendar, a notable day in fulfillment of prophetic periods. The author emphasizes the fact that the expression “ times of the Gentiles” is always connected with the city of Jerusalem (Lk. 21:24) noting however that “ Gentile supremacy” is a term which includes all Palestine and all Israel. She points out that when Eng land fired the first effective shot at Tur key, December 13, 1914, this date again corresponded with the Jewish prophetic date of Kislev. It is remarkable further, that when Gen. Allenby entered the city,’ he passed in through the Jaffa Gate, known as “ The Gate of the Friend,” and God did not permit so much as a stone to be scratched in all Jerusalem, a fact most strange in contrast with the de vastation accompanying the war in every other quarter. The taking of the city exactly 2520 years from the date of the seige of that city by Nebuchad nezzar in the third year of the reign of Jehoiakim, when the author alleges the times of the Gentiles began, seems to settle the matter in the mind of the author that her calculations are correct. She points out that the Kaiser would not have been able to sway the battle lines of Europe as he did, had not God for some reason permitted it, yet be
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