T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
All Bible students will probably not fall In line with some of the author’s new ideas, yet it can be said that both books contain much new material of great value. Some very strong reasons are furnished for the Bible student to feel that the recent war had an import ant bearing on the program of the Scrip tures. The Christian Life and How to lave It Many will welcome this new book by W. H. Griffith Thomas, (published by Bible Institute Colportage Association), because of the faith-building message it contains. It comprises a series of ad dresses given by Dr. Thomas bearing on practical themes such as “What is Christianity?” “What We Believe,” “ What is a Christian?” “Walking with God,” etc. In these brief addresses is packed some of the wisdom of a mature Christian who speaks with Scriptural authority out of many years of spiritual experience. A summary of the chapter on “What We Believe” will give one a taste of the practical and pointed mes sage running throughout the book. Dr. Thomas says, “ A prolonged cor respondence in a daily newspaper some time ago on ‘Do We ^Believe?’ was a significant and remarkable sign of the times. The widespread interest as shown by the thousands of letters received by the editor testified to the unrest o f' the age and its longing for certitude. “ ‘Do we believe?’ The answer is ‘Yes,' of course we do, for everyone does.” It is simple truth to say that there is not a single person in the world who does not believe. Belief is fundamental and essential to human life. The child could not do other than believe its par ents. The scholar cannot but believe what his schoolmaster tells him. Busi ness life would be impossible without belief and international affairs are nec essarily based on ’this element of trust. Everywhere, at all times and by all, faith is being exercised. “ The real question is not ‘Do we be lieve?’ but ‘What do we believe?’ or still better, ‘Whom do y those who profess and confess the name of Jesus Christ? What is the sub stance of our faith? What is the mean ing of that which we acknowledge as followers of Christ? The answers to these inquiries can be given in many forms. We will, however, take Titus 3:4-7 in order to answer that question, ‘What do we believe?’ ” Prom this text Dr. Thomas develops the following points: 1. The Author of Salvation. God is described as “ God our Saviour” and we are told of four aspects of His divine character: (a) His Divine Goodness (v. 4), for this is the meaning of the term translated “ kindness.” (b) His Diylne Philanthropy (v. 4). “ The word ‘love’ in this passage is quite literally ‘philanthropy’ or the love of man as man. It is only found in this one pas sage as descriptive of God.” (c) His Divine Mercy, (v. 5). He is a God who knows our need and pities us with a Divine compassion. (d) His Diyine Grace, (v. 7). Divine grace means favor to the undeserving, to those who are brought into misery through their own sin. Dr. Thomas then shows the necessity of belief in The Reality of Salvation, (a) Salvation entirely unmerited, (v. 5), “ not by works, (b) Salvation Di vinely Merciful, (v. 5). “ According to His mercy.” (c) Salvation Absolutely Complete, (v. 5). “ Saved.by the wash ing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Ghost.” (d) Salvation Gloriously Abundant, (v. 6). “ Shed on us abun dantly through Jesus Christ;” Looking again at the passage of Scripture, Dr. Thomas notes that it re quires belief in the experience of salva tion. (a) A Salvation that gives us a new position, (v. 7). “ Justified by His grace.” (b) A Salvation that gives us a new privilege, (v. 7). “ Made heirs.” (c) A new possession, (v. 7). “ Eternal life.” (d) A new prospect, (v. 7). “ The hope of eternal life.” Concluding the chapter Dr. Thomas says, “ The question then for us is, Do we believe in Him as our God and Saviour? Is our trust centered in Him? Does our heart go out to Him in simple childlike trust and obedience? This is really the essence of belief and faith.” Usefulness is the rent we ought to pay for our room on earth. Are you paying up?
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