He goes down to the very joint and marrow. A man was going down a street in Chicago and came to a taxedermist’s shop and he stopped long enough to criticize some things. In the window was an owl, and he said, “ That owl is not stuffed right, the body is not poised right, the feathers are not fixed right, and if I could not stuff an owl better than that I would go out of the busi ness.” Just then the owl turned around and winked at him. He walked down the street feeling that he was the big gest fool in Chicago for he had criti cized a living owl. When that owl showed life, it was beyond his criticism or that of anybody else. The Word of God lives.— Dr. A. C. Dixon. ate ate All God’s giants have been weak men who did great things for God because they reckoned on His being with them. — Hudson Taylor.
f THE LIVING WORD OF GOD ! “ Search the Scriptures for every Scripture is God-breathed,” not only breathed forth from God, but has in it the breath of God. When you teach God’s Word, you are teaching the very life of God. The Word of God is quick, living and powerful. When you under take to bury the Bible you have a big job, for it will- come out by the resur rection life that is in it, and when you undertake to cut up the Bible you are cutting up a living organism that has in it the very life of God Himself. There is a great difference between a corpse and a man. This old Book has been laid out many a time on the dissecting table but there is the life of God that takes hold and uses the scalpel on the fellow that is trying to cut it up, and he gets cut up. The Word of God is sharper than a two-edged sword. When you teach God’s Word, you are giving the Holy Spirit the sword with which
Trust and Obey”
By J. H . S A M M I S
Th is w ell known gospel song gives the title to »a splendid gift b ook o f D r. Samm is’ poem s. P rin ted in two colors. Ju s t the thing fo r a Christm as remembrance. T h ere are three styles o f binding. P ap e r at 5 0 c ; C loth at $ 1 . 0 0 , and L e ather at $ 2 .0 0 . Send now to • T H E B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute of Los Angeles 536-558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles, California
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