THE K I NG ' S BUS I NESS THE BIBLE KEEPS THE PEACE It is a curious fact that most of our skeptical friends contrive to keep very close to where the Bible’s shadow falls. It does not take a great while to get out of sight of the Bible. You can go, in a very few days, where there are no churches, Sabbath schools, Young Men’s Christian Associations, preachers, dea cons, or anything else of the kindr^-you can “ go West.” There is little diffi culty in getting beyond the reach of the Bible. Your scalp might not be very safe, but you can easily get away from the reach of the Bible. But the infidel, while finding fault with the Bible, takes good care to stay where the Bible is. Why is this? There was once a vessel wrecked on one of the South Sea Islands. There was on board a sailor who had been there before, and who knew that the people were cannibals. And when the ship was wrecked, and they were cast
away on this shore, they knew there was no hope for them, for they saw no way to escape. The sailor, however, climbed up on a hill-top to reconnoitre a little. Presently his shipmates saw him swing ing his arms in great excitement, and inquired what was the matter. lie had seen just over the hill the steeple of a meeting-house! That was what took all the fear of trouble out of his soul. He knew that church spire made his neck safe on that cannibal island. Now infidels know that fact just as well as he did. Years ago, a young infidel was traveling in the West with his uncle, a banker, and they were not a little anxious for their safety when they were forced to stop for a night in a rough wayside cabin. There were two rooms in the house; and when they retired for the night they agreed that the young man should sit with his pis tols, and watch until midnight, and then awaken his uncle, who should
Dr. W . H. Griffith-Thomas says:— “ It is admirable for its helpful ness, and those who use it will cer tainly obtain a thorough knowledge of the Bible.”
Dr. Frederic W . Farr says:— “It is a notable and welcome addi tion to the many helps to Bible study. It will be found to be well nigh indispensable.”
Th is wo rk b y Keith L . B rook s giv es a summ ary o f each book and chapter o f the B ib le in concise form . A s to each chapter, it summarizes the contents, giv es k e y word , characters, spiritual lesson, striking points about Christ, list o f best verses, etc. F in e fo r class work. A n aid fo r d a ily devotions. This Volume in Cloth, Covering the Whole Bible, Sent to You for Securing Six New Subscriptions to The King’s Business. P rice o f the Vo lum e, $ 1 . 5 0 Write Names and Addresses Clearly THE KING’S BUSINESS
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