THE K I NG ' S BUS I NESS ton keys, and jimmies, and brass knuckles, and dirks, and pistols, and implements of mischief, which they had taken away from roughs and criminals. Do you suppose there was a single New Testament i|h the whole kit? Why not? If it were a bad book you would expect a man to have a revolver in one pocket, and a New Testament tucked away in another. There was a row the other night, and a man broke his wife’s head with— a Bible? No! it was a bottle! Where the Bible bears sway, the rows and quarrels do not come. ’ THE PREACHER WITH COURAGE Bossuet, the great French preacher, once remarked: “ It requires more faith and courage to say two words face to face with one single sinner, than from the pulpit to rebuke two or three thou sand persons, ready to listen to every thing, on condition of forgetting all.”
watch until morning. Presently they peeped through the crack, and saw their host, a rough-looking old man, in his bear-skin suit, reach up and take down a book— a Bible; and after read ing it awhile, he knelt and began to pray; and then the young infidel began to pull off his coat and get ready for bed. The uncle said, “ I thought you were going to sit up and^watch.” But the young man knew there was no need of sitting up, pistol in hand, to watch all night long in a cabin that was hal lowed by the word of God, and conse crated by the voice of prayer. Would a pack of cards, a rum-bottle, or a copy of the Age of Reason, have thus quieted this young infidel's fears? Every one knows that where this book has influence it makes things safe. Why is this? If it were a bad book, we should expect to find it in the hands of the worst men. In New York there was once a kind of rogue’s museum—-a place where they had all kinds of skele
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