King's Business - 1920-01

THE K I N G ’ S BUS I NESS BEAL BIBLE STUDY It is said that Whitefield, as a custom, read the Bihle with “ Henry’s Commen­ tary” day by day, on his knees, praying over every sentence, line and word; THE CONSCIENCE The conscience is a monitor and not a teacher, a prompter and not a guide, a sheriff and not a judge. It is that faculty, power or principle, within us that prompts us to do what we believe to be right, and that reproaches us for doing what we think to he wrong. Hence the conscience is not an infalli­ ble moral guide, nor is a man always safe in following it. Many a man is following the devil conscientiously by simply doing what his conscience ap­ proves. His sincerity is no pledge of his security. If conscience were an infalli­ ble guide, mere opinion would he law and false religions would he right. One may be conscientious and sincere in a wrong course of thought and action. JUST OFF THE PRESS! | T h e C A R N I V A L of D E A T H g or the H


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