King's Business - 1920-01

Want to Sell ÿour Library? T h e B io la B oo k R o om is opening a second hand relig­ ious b o o k department. Only such book s w ill h av e place a s are absolutely sound fun­ damentally and in good con ­ dition. Send us a list and description o f w hat book s you h a v e fo r sale and let us m ake you an o ffer fo r them. A d d re ss Second H and Dept. T H E B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute o f Los Angeles 536-558 Soutk Hope Street, Los Angeles, Cal. illlllilllllipillllllllllillM I PROFITABLE, for comfort, amid apos- | §j tasy; for guidance, amid false teachers ; 'jSjp 1 for edification unto the riches in Christ ; ^ ÎÜ| Jesus: " ' - _ !•= = The Christian Life—and How to Live It = I By W. H. Griffith Thomas, D. D. Just | = published! Cloth, 75c net. 1 The Bible Institute Colportage Assn. = | 810 N. La Salle St. Chicago | illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllM .....

1 The Christian Workers Magazine | M Rev. James M. Gray, D.D.,'Editor | §= . For All Who Love, and Teach, and | Preach the Gospel. | I Monthly $1.50 per .year. Three months’ | = trial subscription 25 cents j§ The Christian Workers Magazine, = 158 Institute Place, Chicago, 111. Illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllillllllllllillllllijl^ A Great Bible Tool It indexes, by topic and Bible text, the best you read in books, and files clippings almost automatically. THE KING’S BUSINESS—May, 1919, pp. 424 “ It is in advance of any other system we know of for enabling one to locate the material he wants when he wants ft.” PROF. KEITH L. BROOKS of the Bible Institute. “ I am using this index and would not know how to get along without it. There is nothing to compare with it." DR. GRIFFITH THOMAS “ During thirty-five years I have tried all sorts of plans without success. I now use Wilson's Index with such satisfaction that I bid others to 'go and do likewise. We send the Index on approval. Send for circulars. W IL S O N IN D E X C OM P A N Y Box X E a s t H a d d a m , C o n n . See review in The King’s Business May 1919, P. 424

JUST THE BOOK FOR A GIFT TO A BIBLE TEACHER OR SCHOLAR D T T T U t h e s a t i s f i e d K U 1 r l STRANGER By PHILIP MAURO Ready (God Willing ) in November Popular Edition--12mo, cloth, net $1.25 Gift Edition-Ooze Calf EditionNet $3.00 The working out of the theme of the Gospel of Grace in the earlier chapters, and the unfolding of the subject of Redemption (past and future, “ proper” and “ improper ) in the later chapters, will make this volume of unusual value to all who study the Bible for themselves, and particularly for all who seek to impart its great truths to others. The chapter on “ The Nearer Kinsman” (a point heretofore envel­ oped in some obscurity) will probably be counted wll worth the price of the volume to every student of Scripture, and to every lover of truth. The Book of Ruth is found by our author to have an historical setting remarkably resembling, in its main features, the times through which the world is now passing. For this and other reasons the present volume will be of interest to the general reader. The style is simple, making it easy for all classes of readers to follow the different subjects treated. FOR SALE BY HAMILTON BROS. SCRIPTURE TRUTH DEPOT 120 Tremont Street, Boston, Mass.

MENTION' “ k in g ’ s BUSINESS”


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