King's Business - 1920-01

--------- -TH E ----------- Scripture Text Calendar for 1920 Is, w e think, one o f the most beautiful w e h ave ev er o ffered to our customers. A L L the pictures are in color— not on ly the outside cover, but the tw elve beautiful ones on the inside. F u r­ thermore, the calend ar this ye a r contains two other great features. THE TABLE OF STANDARD TIME B y which you can tell the app roxim ate time in the tw elve great cities when it is noon in the U. S. A n d ROPPS 200 YEAR REFERENCE CALENDAR B y which one can tell on which d a y o f the w e ek a certain date fell fo r 2 0 0 years. Send fo r you r calendars A T ONCE . W e expect a great run upon them this year. B e sure you get yours. PRICES Single Copies 30 cents, ' 5 Copies $1.23, 50 copies.... 10.00 25 copies .............................. $ 5.25 12 Copies $2.75, 100 copies.. 17.00 THE BIOLA BOOK ROOM Bible Institute of Los Angeles 536-558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles, California


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