King's Business - 1920-01

THE K I N G ’ S BUS I NESS ■ s - ' J H - the New Testament scriptures. ) I wa,nt to show you the forecast first before we reach the very fulfillment of that fore­ cast and demonstrate that the race to­ day is just as rotten as it was five thou­ sand years ago. Let us listen to the Lord Jésus. We put Him first. What had He to say about the conditions of this age and of the race? In a parable, He tells us how He, the Son of Man, brought a good seed and another one brought a bad seed and the good and bad seed grew up together until the harvest. In another parable, He tells us about a woman taking leaven and cor­ rupting'the truth of God by it. Twice He uses past history to give a prophecy about this age when it is go­ ing to end, “ As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be when the Son of Man comes." “ As it was in the days of Lot, so it shall be when the Son of Man comes.” And then the question “ Nevertheless, When the Son of Man cometh, shall He find the faithful upon the earth? Then listen to His great ut­ terance prophetically given when He describes the events preceding His com­ ing, speaking of man becoming more unrighteous, lawless, the age finally to end with a time of great trouble. There is not a word as to what theologians teach about the world growing better through the process of evolution, etc., and not a word about righteousness and peace, but the Son of God predicts apostasy as it was in the days of Noah and as it was in the days of Lot. Wher­ ever these learned men get their mes­ sage from, we don’t know; they don’t get it from the Word of God nor from the lips of the Lord Jesus Christ. Notice again what the apostles have to say about the conditions of this age and what the last days of this age are going to bring forth. Who were these apostles? If they had been uninspired men as they tell us today they were, (not more inspired than Socrates,


Dr. A. C. Gaebelein

they gave Him the Cross. But what about the age in which we are living? Has human nature changed? Is it different today from what it was before the flood or amongst the people of Israel? What does the Word of God say about it? This “ Christian” age, as we call it (though not quite scripturally) has brought forth the greatest Light, the greatest Revelation and the greatest Offer which Goff has ever made to man. God at last exhausted the omnipotence of His Love in the gift of His Only be­ gotten Son and in the gift of His Son, He has shined forth" in the clearest light, in the purest light, and given a revelation -Which outstrips every other revelation in that He comes to •His creature—man— on the simple condi­ tion of accepting this offer— nothing to pay, nothing to do— an offer of taking man from his deplorable depths of mis­ ery and making him a child and an heir of God. What is man going to do about it? What is man going to do about this Light, this revelation and this offer of the grace and of the love of God?! The New Testament gives an answer. It tells us how this present age is go­ ing to act about the Light, the Revela­ tion and the offer of God as given in Jesus Christ and by the Holy Spirit in

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