King's Business - 1920-01



who believes the Bible can challenge these things for they are written here black on white; human nature has not changed one hit. The same unbelief exists, the same hatred of light and the Great Light rejected must become the greater darkness, and this day, dear friends, has come and we are right in the midst of it. All over this land, in Can­ ada, England, Australia, New Zealand, in the Mission Fields of China, in the Mission Fields of India, everywhere are evidences of the fulfillment of this pré­ diction. “ Oh,” somebody says, “ this is simply sporadic.” If you say that, you know very little about what is going on. Denying Christ is a universal thing today as it never was before in the his­ tory of the church. It is an apostasy which defies God, defies His Word, which rejects and blasphemes the most precious things which God has revealed to man. Now then, let me tell you about this apostasy. The cornerstone of it is the rejection of this Book as the authority of God making known to man the truth which man is to know and by which He is saved. The rejection of the inspira­ tion of the Bible, that it is the Word of God, is really a rather recent thing. Of course, the Devil has always re­ jected it, although he knew better; and blasphemers, heathen and infidels have always done so. Study the Reforma­ tion and there is the clearest note as to the authority of this Book; in fact the belief in this Book produced the Re­ formation and gave birth to Protestants ism. It is only during the last hundred years that you can trace the deliberate Satanic attack upon the Word of God to rob the Bible of its divine authority! and as soon as that is done all is lost. Mark it, all is lost. Everything rests upon the cornerstone— the Bible, the revelation, the infallible Word of God. Destroy this cornerstone and the whole collapses and that has become the pop­ ular thing in Christendom— to attack

the Bible, to belittle the Word of God, to show up its errors and rob it of its authority. Some months ago, some one in New York grabbed me by the arm and said, (I didn’t know for the moment who the man was) “ Gaebelein, do you know you are a back number?” and turning around I found it was my friend Dr. Burrell, Pastor of the Collegiate Church, and he said: “ Don’t you know that you and I, who stand four-square on the Book, are back numbers and out of date?” Then he told me what they say about him, yes, what they say about any other man who still holds to the inspiration of this Book and who takes his faith, his courage, out of this Book. And do you know, it is the big men of learning who have the popular message for the world and the starting point of the apostasy is centered in the so-called Christian institutions you are backing up and which are supported by the cash of people who believe the Bible. In these institutions is the stronghold of this infidelity. Let me take you on a trip. We will start in Boston as the hub, the city I know for I have been going there for a month during the Winter for at least twenty years; the city which used to be famous for its men who preached the gospel'and the Word of God. There is Boston University of the Methodist Episcopal Church— one of the rankest hot-beds of the rejection of the Word of God. Harvard is another institution where the Bible is absolutely rejected and put upon thé same level with other good literature. Then there is Newton Theological Seminary of the Baptist Church equally teaching error. Go down to Providence and you will find the same story in its universities and colleges— the professors teaching that the Book of Genesis is a myth, and that evolution is still the thing which ex­ plains the existence of this universe. Then go to New York City and you will

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