17 that everything about the blood, re demption, the cross, salvation, eternal life had been cut out. It is just a lit tle bit of a book—you can slip it into your vest pocket; but friends, this is something more blasphemous than any thing Jehoiakim ever did when he cut the roll of Jeremiah. They have cut out the heart of Christianity, which is the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Cross of Jesus Christ. Then let me tell you to what this apostasy leads. It leads to the rejec tion, not of the Bible only, but of the Person who is revealed in the Bible, the Son of God. These are the tactics of the Devil,;—first destroy the Word of God which makes Him known and then attack His Person. As a result, you have hundreds of preachers of every denomination who deny the virgin birth; who do not believe that salva tion is a definite gift of grace but that it takes character and a life-time to be saved; who deny the physical resur rection; who deny future punishment; in one word, who sweep every bit of faith out of every page. That is one result. The next result is that it has led to the prostitution of the church itself. That is one of the results of this war. This war has clinched the religious apostasy and the war and future con ditions are going to open up into that prostitution of the professing church and the truth of God and the complete apostasy of which this Book speaks. The professing church adopts today the program of the world. They started in with that miserable lie that the world can be made safe for democracy, (and by this time they ought to have found out that the world is not safe yet though the Kaiser is in Holland), then the lifting up of humanity, and making the world better, and then hav ing a religious brotherhood. Observe what is going on. We have several churches that are doing this in
THE K I NG ' S BUS I NESS find Union Theological Seminary of the Presbyterian Church which every once in a while turns ou,t preachers and when they are examined for entrance into the Presbytery and ordination, say they do not know whether Jesus Christ was born of .a virgin or not; and about physical resurrection, they say they have not yet made up their minds as to that. Then go up the Hudson to Pough keepsie. One father told me with tears in his eyes that his daughter had at tended Vassar. She had gone with faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and came away an infidel. Go to Chicago and there you find the worst kind of corruption in the Chi cago University. Oh, the pernicious literature which is sent out! I wish I had kept track of the stacks of appeals which preachers and others send me and say “ For God’s sake, do something to stop it.” Go to Garrett or Northwestern or keep coming West to the Coast up to San Francisco and all along through Canada. Institution after institution has adopted the theory of reasoning which comes out of their teaching that there cannot be an infallible Word of God, and these institutions are respon sible for the men who stand up in pul pits today and deny the Christian faith. Now, let me give you the vilest at tempt which has been made upon the Word of God during the last year. It is “ The Shorter Bible,” by Charles Foster Kent, of Yale. Methodist preachers to day, before their ordination, are forced to. read the books by Charles Foster Kent— books of infidelity. I have gone over this New Testament, endorsed by many great men, news papers, etc., and it seems the whole world endorses it. As I read the en dorsements, I found that “ It is a thrilling account of the life of Jesus and His great social and economic teachings,” and as I went on, I found
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