King's Business - 1920-01

Bible Institute ofLosAngeles (INCORPORATED) LOS ANGELES , C AL IFO RN IA , U. S. A .

Free Training School for Christian Workers


Lyman Stewart, president J. M. Irvine, secretary T. C. Horton, superintendent H. A. Getz

R. A. Torrey, vice-president Leon V. Shaw, treasurer William Evans J. O. Smith

Nathan Newby


We the Historic Faith of the of Evangelical Christendom and including: The Trinity of the Godhead. The Deity of the Christ. The Personality of the Holy Ghost. The Supernatural and Plenary authority of the Holy Scriptures. The Unity in Diversity of the Church, the Body and Bride of Christ. The Substitutionary Atonement.

Church as expressed in the Common Creed The Necessity of the New Birth. The Maintenance of Good Works. The Second Coming of Christ. The Everlasting Existence of the Spirit. The Resurrection of the Body. The Life Everlasting of Believers. The Endless Punishment of the Impenitent. The Reality and Personality of Satan.

SCOPE OF THE WORK P U R PO R T ? • Kigi Institute trains, free of cost, accredited men and women, in the knowledge and use of the Bible. DEPARTMENTS* LD ^The Institute Classes held daily except on Saturdays and Extension work. Classes and conferences held in neighboring cities and towns. Evangelistic. Meetings conducted by our evangelists. Spanish Work. •Personal work among Spanish speaking people. Shop Work. Regular services in shops and factories. Jewish Evangelism.. Personal work among the Hebrews and mission for Jews. Bible Women. House-to-house visitation and neighborhood classes. Oil Fields. A mission to men on the oil fields. Books and Tracts. Sale and distribution of selected books and tracts. (10) Harbor Work. For seamen at San Francisco harbor. m m Bio*a Hall. Daily noon meetings for-meni in the down-town district, with free reading-room privileges. Evangelistic service every evening. (12) Print Shop. For printing Testaments, books, tracts, etc. A complete establish- merit, profits going to free distribution of religious literature. (2) (3) (4) (5) ( 6 ) (7) ( 8) (9)

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