New York, but mark you, it is not in New York alone. I have had letters from the State of Kansas, Nebraska, Louisiana, Texas, where the same thing in smaller communities is done. The pastor of a very prominent church in New York says, “ A spirit of progress is awakening in all churches, although it has not manifested itself in all churches. I am a Christian, but I be lieve the best in Christianity and the best in Judaism are identical. We al ready have about fifty Jews and some Hindoos in our membership; Chinese will be welcome regardless of faith, You will notice Christianity is not men tioned in our statement ’ of doctrine. This church is an institution of relig ion seeking truth and wisdom knowing no sect, class, nation or age; but wel comes each one into its service.” That is what I call the prostitution of the church. It is coming, .and is the re sult of rejecting the Word of God, and bye and bye— it may begin today, right here— you will find a cleavage between God’s true church and those who dis honor His Word and His Christ. But there is another result. The re jection of the Bible as the starting point of the apostasy leading to the rejection of Christ and the Gospel, leads to im morality. Who is responsible for it? The men who have robbed this Book of its power. Let me lead you on and read a verse which you may never have noticed in reading your Bible (1 Chron. 10:13); So Saul died for his transgression which he committed against the Lord, even against , .the word of the Lord -which’ he kept not and also for asking cotmsei of one that had a familiar spirit to enquire of. it. Saul rejected the Word of God arid did not keep it; then he turned to a witch and got his message, and, mind you, it was not a spurious witch,— she had a familiar spirit, she was possessed by a demon. In .the latter days some shall depart from the faith, giving heed seducing sp irits.T h e time wilf come when they, will not., endure sound doOtVi'rie.-■Their ears shall be turned, away from the truth and turned to fables.
Therefore, because the apostasy is here, people reject the Bible and the masses are following witches. Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy’s whole sys tem is witchery. It is juggling with the Word of God and perverting the Word of God and I predict it is going to grow in just the degree that the Bible and the truths of the Bible are rejected. If you could find a place on this continent of a thousand inhabitants, where every body knew his Bible, a Christian Science church could never be built. It is al ways the result of having rejected the Word of God. God permits error to come in the form of witchery. New Thought is another form of witchery that they are trying to ac commodate as much as possible to some things which are still found in this Book. But Theosophy and Hindoo Philosophy are a definite, turning away. Then let me point out to you the most prominent witch of spiritualism, with its demon-possessed women. Today in England hundreds of thousands have accepted the witchery of spiritualism, mostly through Sir Oliver Lodge, Sir Conan Doyle. Sir Conan Doyle has written a book, “ The New Revelation,” but he lets the cat out of the bag when he says the “ old revelation has made too much of the blood and the cross' of Christ and we have discovered our boys are in glory without having accepted the Gospel as it used to be taught in the church.” Don’t you see the witch ery instead of the Word of God? I promise for every demon cult success in this world until the Lord comes and then their glory ends. And now let me come to the most solemn part. , What is God’s call? I will give it to you as it is written in this book. 'Moses- comes down from the mountain. He sees the altar and the golden calf, ,the naked multitude, drinking of wine, the words Of blas phemy and- the first words he speaks are" (Exodus 32:26): - . . . .
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