King's Business - 1920-01

THE K I N G ’ S BUS I NESS Who is on the Lord’s side— let him come unto me.” The next words he speaks are (v. 29): “ Consecrate your­ selves today to the Lord,” and then the third, “ Take the sword and cut them off.’.’ God’s call today is the same. If you are washed in that precious blood,: stand out and out on the side of the Lord Jesus and consecrate yourselves fully unto Him and stand aside from the multitude doomed to perdition save when you go to offer them the gospel of the Son of God. Listén again— Aholiab and two hun­ dred and fifty princes had revolted against Aaron. They rejected Aaron as priest and said, “ We also aré holy, we don’t need Aaron.” This is the same thing Christendom says today. “We do not need Christ, we have good things in ourselves, we don’t need His priest­ hood.” What did Moses say? “ And he spake unto the congregation saying, ‘Depart 'I pray you from the tents of these wicked men and touch nothing of theirs lest ye be consumed.’ ” VHe says, “ Depart; do not touch a thing; get out of their tents; out of their villages, even if it is á brother or sister; get away from them.” But you say, “ That is the command of the law. Whoever says that is harsh and that is unchris- tion.” ' Is it? Listen to what the be­ loved disciple says. “ Whosoever trahs- gresseth and abideth not in the doc­ trine of Christ knoweth not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, (the Cross and all that goes with it) he hath the Father and the Son. If there are any that come untó you and bring not this doctrine, receive him not in yóur'house, neither bid him God­ speed,” etc. That is the same thing Moses .said and whether it is in the Law or in the Gospel, God does not change His de­ mands when it comes to believing on Himself and His Word. That is God’s call, “ Depart; get away from them; do not touch their books;


do not buy their literature; do not support their institutions; do not pay the preacher’s salary, if he does not preach the truth. If you do, the Lord is going to hold you responsible for them.” •Again Paul says, “ From such turn away;” “ Purge yourselves from the vessels which are dishonored that ye might be vessels meet for the Master’s use.” :' A Some Christians have told me that they are to remain in Laodicea until the Lord gives them a call to leave. He has given the call. It is here and what is happening and will happen is the separation of God’s true church from the church of the world, the church of the apostasy and of Laodicea. But you say, “ Where am I going?” Well, go first to the Lord and then you will have fellowship with the true saints of God. When you get into the fel­ lowship of the true saints of God you get power, you get blessing, you have the reality of the Lord and He is going to use you. ¿Mfc - afe afe THE DOUBT DISPELLER A theological student went to his old professor and asked permission to sub­ mit his doubts in writing. “ Oh, ,that is not necessary. Read your Bible,” “ I have.” “ Read the Gospel of John.” “ I have.” “ Did you pray before you read it?” “No.” “ Well, go to your room and get down on your knees and pray for light and then read it.” He took the advice and soon forgot that he had any doubts.

Pages 33-64 of this issue consti­ tute a special Bible Institute sup­ plement. We want you to know what the work of the Institute is.

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