ing down upon you and me with pleas ure? A man told me one day in Chi cago, that the last time he met Mr. Moody when he went through Chicago on his way to Kansas City, that Mr. Moody told him how pleased he was with him, and that man naturally felt very glad over this. Oh, but to think of God being pleased with you. He is, if you are in Christ. That is what sal vation means, but even that is not all. 4. In the next place, we are saved to sonship. We are made God’s own sons. I think one of the most familiar verses in the Bible is one of the most wonderful. You hear it here every Sunday night. It is Jno. 1:12, “ But as many as received Him, to them gave He the right to be come the children of God, even to them that believe in His name.” Most peo ple do not seem to take in how wonder ful this statement is. I think if we. did fully take it in, every Christian in this room would feel like springing to their feet and shouting “ Glory to God.” Just listen to it again, “ But as many as re ceived Him, to them gave He the right to become the children of God, even to them that believe in His name.” Is not that glorious? I am a child of God. Every believer in Jesus Christ in this room tonight is a child of God. That is what salvation means. Is it not glor ious? But even that is not all. 5. In the next place, we are saved to eternal life. Listen again to one of the most fam iliar passages in the Bible, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son: that whosoever believ- eth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” (Jno. 3:16). “ EVER LASTING LIFE.” Oh, these are such wonderful words. They mean but little to many of us because we have never pondered them, but they mean so muck in themselves. It will take an eternity to open up their full meaning. And that
and useful by men and women being saved. I knew a man who was a drunk ard and a criminal. There were 138 charges of states prison offenses that had been brought against him. That man was saved. He was saved when on the verge of delirium tremens, and his life became a wonderfully beautiful and useful one. As long as he lived he was one of my most honored friends. I took dinner one night with him in Washington, at the home of the Post master General of the U. S., but it was not this saved man who was honored by the invitation of the Postmaster General of the U. S., but the Postmas ter General who was honored by his ac ceptance of the invitation. When he passed away and his funeral was held in New York City, leading men went from Philadelphia and other distant cities and places to be present at his funeral. A life of beauty, a life of nobility, a life of usefulness, is open to every man and woman here tonight from the simple acceptance of Jesus Christ. That is what salvation means. It is wonderful, but that is not all. 3. In the next place, we are saved to God’s Favor. We are not merely saved from God’s wrath, we are saved to His favor, and delight. God delights in every saved man. He looks upon him with pleas ure. When Jesus stood at Jordan after His baptism, the heavens were opened and the voice of God came out of the heavens, saying to Him, “ Thou art my beloved son, in Thee I am well pleased” (Mark 1:11). And just so God looks down tonight upon everyone in this building who has accepted Jesus Christ and says: “ Thou art my beloved son, in theb I am well pleased.” When Jesus Christ was nailed to the Cross, He stepped into our place of condemnation before God, and the moment we accept Him we step into His place of accep tance before God. Isn’t it wonderful to think of an infinitely holy God look
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