The train pulled into the station where she got off, whereupon one of the traveling men came over and shook my hand and said, “ I see the Bible in a different way than I have ever seen it before.” sèà jfe ANOTHER RESCUED PROM C. S. The following account of how the Lord has in answer to prayer delivered one more from the clutches of Christian Science will be of interest. The name and address of the party who writes the letter can be furnished at this of fice: Some time ago two women, only one of whom I knèw, began to offer per sistent prayer to God that I might be delivered from the clutches* of Chris tian Science. I knew nothing of their praying, I was quite satisfied with my religion that is, as much as one could be with a false religion. But through those weeks the Lord was strangely leading me. No outside influence was brought to bear on me except that of Prayer. I was one night alone in my room. All was quiet. Suddenly I seemed to be conscious of an unseen power in the room. I was greatly afraid and was about to go out for a walk to escape the feeling. Something caused me to kneel in prayer— a very strange thing for me to do, never hav ing done it before in my life. Despite the seeming efforts of something to hinder me, I knelt and asked God to deliver me from the peril, whatever it was. Immediately I became conscious of another power. It, was no longer God, the great Creator far away as He always had been to me, but it seemed to be Jesus the Redeemer. When I arose from my knees, I had a peace ‘which passeth all understanding.’ The Lord had won the victory. Turning around, my eyes fell on my text-book, ‘Science and Health’. Instantly I real ized it was all wrong— absolutely con-
trary to God’s will for me and to His Word. Prom that moment to this I have opposed Eddyism at every oppor tunity. Needless to say I consigned the literature to the flames. It was only the power of God, in answer to prayer, that showed me in this miraculous way how Eddyism was the devil’s trap. May God move Christian people everywhere to pray that souls in the grip of these errors might be similarly delivered,” CHRIST AND CHRISTMAS The above is the title of a beauti fully bound book put out by the Chris tian Science Publishing headquarters. It is a series of supposed reproductions of great paintings by Mrs. Eddy. It is supposed to bring great cheer to the Christian Scientist at Christmas time. One picture shows Mrs. Eddy raising a desperately sick man up from his bed, and is entitled, “ Christian Science Healing” . Another shows an old- man with a closed Bible on the table beside him, while at his feet, sitting in the rays of the sunlight streaming through the window, is a little child holding an open volume called “ Science and Health” . The title reads: “ I thank thee, O Father, because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent and revealed them unto babes” . Sup posedly, the child is having no difficulty whatever in making sense out of the contents of Mrs. Eddy’s book, while the Bible is a sealed book to the old man because he refuses to wear Mrs. Eddy’s spectacles. Another picture shows Christ holding the hand of a lady, whom we infer is intended to represent Mrs. Eddy. It is entitled, “ Christian Unity” . Now that we,have outlined the contents of the book, our readers will not need to be so foolish as the brother who showed us the book, for he spent three dollars just to see what kind of a painter Mrs. Eddy was, and he has been “ kicking himself” ever since.
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