Prof. T overp
Prof. Trowbridge
Raymond Conner, whose pictures ap pear in this issue. The department is under the superintendenecy of Prof. J. B. Trowbridge, A.M., Mus. B. Prof. Tovey, Mus. B., is a native of Australia. He studied in Melbourne, Australia, and also in America. He is a Moody Bible Institute graduate and has had considerable experience as an evangelistic song leader. Prof. Hirsch- ler, Mus. B., is a graduate of the Amer ican Conservatory, and a piano and or gan student under Levy and .Middle- schult. He has been an instructor in Albion College, Mich., and in Coe Col lege, Iowa, in both of which places he was head of the pipe organ depart ment. He is acting as organist of the Church of the Open Door, in addition to the organ teaching of the Institute. Mrs. Smith has had a wide experience as a teacher of the piano. She is also a very talented soprano singer. Prof. Conner is giving instruction in violin and con ducting the Bible Institute orchestra. Mr. Conner formerly played in the Columbus Symphony Orchestra and was a pupil of Theo. Mohler, John Bayer and Oskar Seiling.
jilied. Other friends, hearing of their departure, seized the opportunity to send gifts of necessary things to the other missionaries. One good friend and his wife sent the furnishings for a guest room in the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Cromwell McKinney, former students, who are located at Arque, the railroad point where thè missionaries going on to San Pedro, must stop to repack their baggage for transportation on mule back up the river to San Pedro. .¿Afe. 'm Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Powlison are now located at Toracari, and mis sionaries going into San Pedro will spend with them the first night of the journey after leaving Arque. The music department of the Bible Institute is evidencing a steady growth and proving a popular feature of the course to many students. Pour new in structors were added to the faculty this .year in this department, namely, Prof. Herbert G. Tovey, Prof. Otto T. Hirsch- ler, Mrs. Corinne R. Smith and Prof.
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