King's Business - 1920-01



Tne EveningSchool Conducts classes on Monday, Thursday and Friday evenings, in Bible Study, Gospel Music and Methods of Christian work for those who, because of business or other obligations, cannot attend the day classes. The full course necessary to qualify for a certificate covers three years, consisting of four terms per annum. Instruction free. Registration fee, $1.00 per term. We have expended in this department $10,000.00. TheCorrespondence School Presents courses in . (1) Fundamental Doctrines of Christianity, by Rr. R. A. Torrey. (2) The Life and Teachings of Our Lord, by Dr. R. A. Torrey. (3) Through the Bible by Books and Chapters, by Rev. John H. Hunter. (4) Personal Evangelism and Practical Work, by Rev. T. C. Horton. This department is under the supervision of Keith L. Brooks (a member of the Faculty and Managing Editor of The King’s Business) and offers to men and women who are providentially hindered from attending the Institute in person, a splendid oppor­ tunity to gain a thorough knowledge of the Bible. At the present time there are over six hundred students enrolled in these Correspondence .Courses. The EvangelisticDepartment The Institute conducts aggressive evangelistic work, under competent leadership along the following lines: In the Oil Fields; among the Mexicans; Shops and Factories; among the Seamen in Pacific Coast Harbors; House to House Visitation and Bible Class Work by Bible Women; among the Jews; a Bible Institute in Hunan, China; the Pocket Testament League. The Workof the BihleWomen This work came into existence as the result of a deeply felt need to reach women in the home, and was organized by Mrs. T. (L Horton in January, 1919. “Bible Women” seemed to be the only appropriate name by which to designate those chosen and consecrated to the work of saving souls by leading them to Christ, reclaiming back­ sliders, meeting, warning and instructing those who have been misled by false re­ ligions, and establishing believers through the teaching of the Word of God. The Bible Woman’s work is found wherever the circumstances spell opportunity Her working hours are any in the twenty-four when the Lord can use her for com­ forting, helping, winning back, or saving her sisters. The major part of her work is house to house visitation in an assigned district organ­ izing and teaching Bible classes, meeting women in business offices, speaking across counters,_going from bed to bed in the hospitals, and tactfully conversing in the rest rooms of the business houses. The Bible Woman aids pastors by training the church members for more efficient service, and by finding in her visitation the backslider and the unchurched, and reporting the same to some pastor. Since the organization of the work ,this band of devoted women has spent one entire morning each week in counsel and prayer, knowing that their work can only glorify God through the power of the Holy Spirit. . 6 y We have expended in this department $68,000.00. The EuodiaClub Our state laws prohibit the teaching of the Bible in the public schools, but there is no law forbidding the undermining of the faith of the students in God’s Word and the theory of evolution and other teachings •contrary to the Bible are freely taught Because of these conditions, and also because of the fact that our young people are led astray so early in these days, in 1910 our first Bible class among High School girls was formed by Mrs. T. C. Horton in connection with the old Los Angeles High School. A group of girls was gathered together one afternoon each week for Bible

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