TheJewish. Work Remembering the Scriptural injunction “to the Jew first”—we maintain among these “lost sheep of the house of Israel” , divinely gifted workers whose labors have been greatly blessed, and no converts affords us more joy than those from among the people “ of whom, as concerning the flesh, Christ came.” We have expended in this department $13,000.00. The SpanishWork A competent, consecrated worker, with a real love for the Spanish people,_is main tained to labor among the Spanish-speaking people of the city and surrounding towns including the many camps composed of Mexican laborers. The work consists of per sonal interviews, with Bible classes and Gospel meetings where possible, as a result of which very many have been brought out of darkness into the glorious light of the Gospel of Christ. We have expended in this work $16,000.00. The Oil Fields The Oil Fields of California are very extensive and little organized Christianity is there to minister to the men and families of these regions. We have kept men, pecu liarly adapted to such ministry, actively engaged on the field for years, with good success. We have expended in this work $14,000.00. The Shop Work In the shops, factories, car barns and fire engine houses, hundreds of men are found whose circumstances form an almost insurmountable barrier to their attendance upon regular church services, and among these our evangelists hold Gospel meetings on week-days and press the claims of the Lord Jesus Christ upon men, many of whom become Christians of the sturdiest type. We have expended in this work $16,000.00. Extension W ork W e have also expended in Evangelistic and Extension Work, other than that which is separately itemized, $63,000.00.
S uperintendents of the E vangelistic W ork
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