King's Business - 1920-01


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Seamans Work of the BibleInstitute Our Pacific ports are teeming with the traffic of the world. Ships hailing from South America, Mexico, Europe, Asia, China, Japan, Australia and the islands of the sea, with, crews, immigrants, travellers of all races, pass to and fro from all parts of the globe. Recognizing this great opportunity and responsibility, we have entered on the task of evangelizing this cosmopolitan throng. We are all obligated to the sailor. His life is one of priva­ tions, peculiar hardship and peril, physically, morally and spiritually. No class is more neglected; none more responsive to and grateful for our efforts.

O scar Z immermann S uperintendent S eamen ' s W ork

he work is in charge of an especially efficient and competent Superintendent, upon whose labors the blessing of God has rested in abundant measure. The aim is to reach every man on board with the Gospel, and to provide them with the Scrip­ tures and other Christian literature free of charge. Services are held whenever and wherever possible on all vessels, and many personal interviews are had. The worker does not wait on shore for the men to come to him, but himself boards the vessels. He does not confine his work to the sailors, but has had the joy of dealing with many officers in the cabins, and has given the Gospel to thousands of passengers from Japan, China and Korea, en route to South America. Thus the work is a combination of home and foreign service,-Americans, Englishmen Hawaiian., Negroes Spaniards, Greeks, Italians, Filipinos, Norwegians, Siamese,’ Chinese, Japanese, all reached within two weeks, and all having the message, either by lip or tract, in their own language. The efficiency of this work has so commended itself to the officials, that the worker is given carte blanche privileges for all boats. We are hoping that the way will open for the work to be extended to all the ports on the Pacific Coast. We have expended in this work $13,000.00.

A Los A ngeles S treet O pen A ir M eeting


T h e light that shines farthest shines brightest near home.

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