King's Business - 1920-01



TheBible InstituteinHunanProvince, China The main features of the work of the Bible Institute in Hunan Province, China, are: The Bible Institute at Changsha, The Floating Bible Schools, The Hunan Autumn Bible School and Conference at Nan Yoh, through the agency of all of which an intensive and extensive evangelism is carried on. This work is under the direction of Dr. Frank A. Keller, for many years connected with the China Inland Mission. Tke Bible Institute at Ckangska One of the great needs in China today is that of trained native pastors and evangelists who are thoroughly sound in the faith, who know the truth and know how to impart it to others, and who have a passion for the lost. The Colleges and Seminaries already established in China, which are conducted along the lines of those in America, do not meet this need, and it can only be met by Bible Institutes such as that which Dr. Keller has established at Changsha. There were thirty-nine students in attend­ ance last year, and when the new buildings now in course of construction are com­ pleted, there is every reason to believe that this number will be very largely increased. Tke Floating Bible Sckools At present there are six of these boats, each manned by thirteen men,, including a competent leader and assistant. These boats are well adapted to the purpose for which they are intended, that of doing a colportage work among the natives, each boat having a kitchen, sleeping rooms and a good sized room which serves at once for dining room, study, class room anad chapel for evangelistic services. The boats are widely separated and move from point to point as the work demands. The morning is spent in Bible study, following a regular two years’ course of instruc­ tion, the afternoon in house to house visitation, the evenings for reports, testimonies arid prayer meetings. •. , c. • j -i This plan of having a number of men living together on a boat, with definite, daily, united Bible study and prayer, makes provision for their steady, spiritual growth, and eliminates the dangers attending the old methods of doing colportage work when one man was sent out alone, separated from all Christian influences. Tke Hunan Autumn Bible School This is situated at the foot of the mountain of Nan Yoh—one of the three sacred mountains of China—to which thousands of pilgrims journey every year. Dr. Keller has fitted up a large rented house at this place, where many workers gather from the different missions and seminaries for three weeks of Bible Conference, study and prayer, and in personal work among the pilgrims. This work is done when the pilgrims are returning from the mountain after having performed their devotions. They readily accept the literature, which is prepared with great care for this purpose, and many are the Conversions resulting from this work. Arrangements are being made for the erection of buildings at this point also, suitable to house the missionaries and students. ^ We have expended in this work $83,500.00. Our Needs for tke Hunan Work We desire to increase the fleet of boats from six to twelve'. Each boat will graduate five students annually into the Bible Institute at Changsha, and these sixty students, together with su6h other students as desire to take the training, will constitute the student body of the Institute. Picture the value of these 'students, a part of whose practical work will be house to house visitation, neighbor­ hood Bible classes, city missions and personal work! Will they not be a great factor in the evangelization of this large city, the capital of a great and influential province? The approximate cost of a boat for one year, including boat hire, equipment, litera­ ture and salaries of the colporteurs, is at present about $3500.00. We believe that this is one of the best opportunities ever offered for investment in definite, soul-saving work, and commend it to the Lordls people.

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