King's Business - 1920-01



A C O O L Refreshing Revival

Here is the way one secular paper sees i t : “ The devil is in a corner with his back against the wall. He was never harder pressed since the time he fell from the battlement of high heaven at the point of Michael’s flaming sword.” Of course this is news to us who read the Bible. Peter says the devil is going around like a roaring (hungry) lion seeking whom he may devour. He runs politics in the world and often among the ecclesiasts. He runs the Higher Critic Schools. He runs the false systems of Mormonism, Russellism, Spiritualism, Eddyism, New Thought, Theosophy, Unitarianism. So it must be a kind of fantastic devil that this editor saw,—but listen to some more of the same sort: “ The greatest wave of religious enthusiasm the world has ever known is now in full swing. It is not confined to any country, to any single race or to any denomination of the Christian faith. It is universal and envelopes the earth from end to end. There have been great waves of religious enthusiasm before, but never any­ thing to compare with this. In the time of the Crusades, and in the days of St. Francis of Assisi, there were great religious revivals, but they were more or less hectic and neurotic. This revival is cool, serene and steady. It moves not like waves of fire, but like the glacier, crushing onward over everything that stands in its path.” Its cool all right,—just off the ice, where Satan keeps his revival waves. Nobody has been warmed up by it yet. No camp fires in this revival; it ’s a kind of an ice cream variety. But listen again: “ The Methodists furnish one of the amazing features of the situation. One million Methodists in this country signed away one-tenth of each of their incomes for the next five years to the church for missionary work. The enormous sum of $200,000,000.00 has been raised already.” Yes, yes, we understand; going to beat the devil with hard cash; going to give him a run for his money. Of course the devil has no money nor friends; just a poor, outcast devil, fighting all alone! Now for the climax: “ Yes, sir; if you see sparks flying, it is old Satan lashing his tail. They have him running and are beating him over the head. It is the hardest fight the devil has ever had on his hands.” Here you have the paper-picture, but there is another picture more definitely true. The devil can laugh at all the slurs cast upon him. He is the god of this age. He is playing a great game through the organization of the church. Many of his chosen servants are found in the high religious circles. Oh, yes, he’s at bay, but he has his eye on that $200,000,000.00, don’t forget that, and he cornered some in the great Columbus pageant, they say some $750,000.00.—T. C. H. T H E C A S E o f Dr. Case This good Doctor is greatly exercised about the boogyboo or “ bogy,” as he calls it, in the book of Revelation, and he wants it squelched right away, so as to bring about vast social and natural changes. He is quoted in an Associated Press dispatch November 7, as saying:

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