Tke King’s Business The King’s Business, the one hundred page, monthly magazine of the Institute, began its existence in 1909. _ From the first it has been devoted to a defense of the Christian faith and the feeding of the spiritual life. Some of its outstanding features are Timely Editorials and Contributed Articles; Sunday School Lesson helps; Daily Devotional Readings; Reports of the Evangelistic Work of the Institute. This magazine has tripled its subscription list within the last year, and we are ex pecting to reach the 20,000 mark during 1920. 15,000 copies were printed to supply the demand for the January, 1920, issue. Tke Biola Press
The Biola Press—the printing department of the Institute— has attained a position second to none in the city, and has a reputation for high-grade work. Its primary purpose is that of doing religious book and tract work, but in addition to this it has secured a large constituency for commercial work of a desirable character. It is conducted on the co-operative plan, all of the employees sharing in the profits, but all of the net profits are used for the free distri bution of evangelistic literature.
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Approximately 43,600,000 pieces M anager in English and seventeen foreignlanguages, have been issued by this department. of Gospel literature
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