Tke BookRoom The Book Room, like every other department of the Institute, holds a unique position, in that it handles only books that are absolutely true to the Scriptures. In spite of the fact that it has been deemed impossible to make a book store of this character a paying investment, the Institute has succeeded in this—as in all other departments—in making good, and the business has de veloped from a small one room concern into an extensive pub lishing, wholesale and retail book-dealing establishment, receiv ing orders from all parts of the world, and is now the largest exclusively religious book store west of Chicago. During the last year its sales have increased two hundred per cent.
M anager B ook R ooms
Financial Department It has always been the practice of the Institute to make no charge for tuition. From certain investments there is a limited income for the carrying on of the work of the Institute, but in addition to this there is needed annually $35,000 for the maintenance of the work. This need is met each year by voluntary contributions. Those who believe in the truths for which the Bible Institute stands, and the work which it is doing in training men and women for Christian usefulness, and in actually winning men to
J* P* W elles , B usiness M anager , and G roup of E mployees . .................. M!ii!i»,i^iiii.niiil!umi^iinjniiimmiiUiHnfii(lmiiimiifi^^®iiiiiiiiii................. g I can measure my likeness to my L ord by the degree of my sensitive- | ness to H is need of my money.
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