King's Business - 1920-01



Christ while they are being thus trained, are earnestly requested to help in the financial needs of the Institute. THIS CAN BE DONE— I - I , . , 1 I . By a contribution to current expense, either cash or in the form of a pledge payable annually. By assuming the expense of training a student for one year. This means donating to

■i|iiiiiiiaiTm^iiiiNi|ii^^^Mirfi^iMmini 1 fil|iimmm^WHiiWiiiiiliiu^OTMifHiiiii!iiiiiMiiJiiWDiHinMiiiiniiiii^ffliHiniiimnil!iiin.

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1 W o u ld your banker guess from the way your checks are drawn that jjji the spreading of the gospel is your chief concern9 ■

T he L ibrary

jn the joining R oom .

1 N o t how much o f my money w ill 1 give to G od , but how m u ch 'of | if f God's money w ill I keep myself.

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the Institute, not the cost of his room and board, but the pro rata cost of his instruction, i. e., $150.00. • - .i;. i By founding a permanent fund for the training of a student, which fund may bear the name of the donor, if so desired. By endowing a Scholarship, the income from which will meet the expense of a student for room and board. By contributing to the Students’ Aid Society, which Society loans money to students without interest. By investing in the Institute on the Annuity Plan. By remembering “Bible Institute of Los Angeles” in a last will and .testament. By insuring the life of someone in favor of the Institute through an individual beneficiary. Annuity Bonds The Institute is prepared to receive money on the Annuity Plan, issuing Annuity Bonds therefor, full information concerning which will be gladly supplied upon request. Form of Bequest to the Bible Institute ......itiiURimmnKi(iiilMilil[ii|^lQil....OiiSliiiii...Iiiiiliitifiiiiii....« ¡ g i i M .... mui M ii | I give and bequeath to Bible Institute of Los Angeles, incorporated under the |. f§ laws of the State of California ............ -............-........ .— Dollars, and 1 direct that the n s release of the President of the Board of Directors of said _Bible Institute of Los p | Angeles shall be sufficient discharge to my executors in the premises ( l!i!llil!llll||||||l|ll||||||||||||!!|i!||||||l||||||«|l!|||||!|||ll!l!llllllillNIIII!»IIIIIHII!l!!lllllllllllll!llll!l»IIIINIIII!!lllllllll!linlllllllllll!i:!illllllllllll!ii»IHIN!ll!ll!llllllinil»llll»!llllllllll]ailllll]IIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllllllllP

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