THE K I N G ’ S BUS I NESS in the morning, rising again at 6 for another day’s work. I am strongly of the opinion that some of the work would better he left undone than be done at such a cost; but better yet would it be if Dr. Keller could be sup plied with sufficient and competent help for the work that cries to be done, and might be done.” The Pacific Fleet The Pacific fleet has come and is gone for the time being. A fine opportunity has been ours to bring God’s message of salvation to the men on as many vessels as could be reached, SEAMEN’S laying the foundations WORK for future aggressive soul-winning w o r k . God willing, a definite plan will be fol lowed to bring the message of the Cross and to build up those, here and there, who are His and can be used to raise the standard of His unfailing Word and Work high above the weak, silly and sickening efforts to please (?) men which are employed by so-called shep herds who themselves need to “ be born again.” After reading the following re port of a service held by the chaplain on one of the dreadnaughts, Sunday morning, you will realize what the workers are up against, and also how you need to pray for many of the chap lains who know not. Christ: “ Chaplain — never uses a text. In his talk to the boys yesterday, he spoke chiefly of the fleet boxing contest which was held in the auditorium Friday night. He praised the type of strong, conscien tious, hard working athlete, and advised the boys to apply these principles to their daily actions. The chaplain urged the boys to be good citizens and closed the meeting with a benediction of peace.” It has been the worker’s privilege to sow the seed of God’s Word in the hearts of scores and scores of men— red-hlooded men— and not one resented the worker’s plain, hard dealing with sin in their lives, nor his insistence upon their need of the new birth, but every one gave good attention, and God is working. Satan tried his best, it seems, one day to prevent the worker from reaching a Japanese liner anchored in the bay only for a few hours. With prayer the way
67 finally was opened and one of the first men spoken to, a wireless operator, in vited the worker inside. Before the worker had time to be seated, the young man, kimono clad, and pleased to hear that a “ missionary” had come to the ship, looked at the portion of Scripture given him and with joy grasped the worker’s hand and said pleadingly: “ Please introduce me to God.” It came as a surprise, almost out of a clear sky. What could he mean? Was he joking? His face was too earnest and too sin cere and we saw in the same moment, that he wanted to express his desire to hear of God and become acquainted with Him; he desired to be shown the way to God. Here was a burdened, earnest soul having read somewhat in the Scrip tures and now he thought a man of God ought to be able to introduce God to him. Taking the New Testament afad opening its pages, we told him that here within its truth-filled pages was shown the picture of God-—Christ on the Cross, in the tomb, resurrected, risen and coming again. How thankful we were that it was God’s Holy Spirit who we felt was introducing this heath en soul to its Saviour. He did His of fice work and Christ was made precious to this soul, who took Christ as his Saviour and was instruct d in the Word. Another time of rejoicing; another steamer in the Bay, f°r from the wharf, flying the British flag. This vessel had a goodly number of Calcutta men on board as- well as white officers and en gineers. Several splendid interviews were had and some were almost per suaded, yet there was no definite result. Then came a memorable scene. Two young boys were met who were eagerly listening. Neither of them had accepted Christ but were relying on saying their prayers, until the Spirit of God con victed both of sin and their need of Christ. We pressed the claim of Christ home, while a few feet away Moham medan members of the crew slew their lamb. (No white man is allowed to kill the sheep, nor prepare their food.) How strange a Scene! Here on one side, the offering of heathen to an unknown God and a few feet away, the presentation to these two. boys of God’s offering for sin in the person of Christ, the un blemished Lamb. God brought forth a message and both boys accepted Christ and signed the decision card in' the Pocket Testament.
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