King's Business - 1920-01

Fundamental Studies for "Y*oung Christians


^gWyWWW9WWWW7ywwy?ywywwwwW9WWTOWC^ ^ THE BIBLE How We Know the Bible is a Divine Record: For two reasons the Christian should be familiar with some of the best argu- ments in support of the fact that the Bible is a divine record. 1. The firm establishment of his own faith. 2. For the purpose of refuting the arguments of skeptics. . inspiration of the Scriptures” is not meant that every act recorded in the Bible is an inspired act, but that the record in the original, is a correct record from start to finish, for the rea­ son that the writers were “ borne along by the Holy Ghost.” OUTLINE The Bible: 1. Has a makeup which is MYSTERIOUS T™™Has an exlst«nce that is MIRACU- JuUUS. 5. Has an influence that is MIGHTY. FESTHaS a fnlflUln®Ilt that is MANI- 7. Has a proof that is MATURABLE. 1. A Makeup That Is Mysterious: i Everywhere in the universe we read that God has a mathematical mind, otudy the stars and you will find many in groups of seven. In the sphere of light there are seven colors. In the sphere of music there are seven whole tones in the scale. In the sphere of time there are seven days in the week. In the sphere of birth of animals and fowls, seven is seen in many ways: in the hatching of eggs (hen sits three sevens Pigeon two sevens after the eggs are laid, etc.) the hatching of fish ova. In the sphere of human life, seven is writ­ ten everywhere: the body is completely renewed every seven years; the seventh, fourteenth and twenty-first days are the critical days in diseases. In fact, wher- ev®J" we turn we find seven in nature. The mathematics of the Bible attract attention. Over 300 times the number seven is on the surface, and it is always significant, indicating “ perfection or 2. 3. 4. Has a unity that is MARVELOUS. Has a depth that is MATCHLESS

completion.” It is the perfect number. The best proofs we have of the divine origin of the Bible, are from accidental details which develop as we study the Bible deeply. These sevens keep com­ ing to light. Great doctrines will natur­ ally divide under seven points; divine conclusions will come under seven statements; prophetic times will fall into periods of sevens. No human foresight could have ar­ ranged this. It only comes out with deep study. Conclusion:—-The God who wrote the perfect number seven all over the uni­ verse, must be the God who inspired the writers of Scripture. A Unity That Is Marvelous. Composed of many separate books; written by many men who lived in many countries; in many centuries; engaged m many walks of life in the midst of many different circumstances; spread over 1500 years in preparation— how shall we account for the marvelous UNITY of the Scriptures as they are assembled? God’s plan of redemption by the blood runs through every book. With­ out any one of these books the Bible would be incomplete. Some allege to find discrepancies in the Bible, but always under careful study, these apparent contradictions vanish and perfect unity remains. A dozen different newspaper report­ ers, all witnesses to the same event at the same time, could not today write twelve accounts of the incident that would so harmonize, as these sixty-six books, written by at least forty different men in different centuries and countries, without any access-to each other. Conclusion:— A great master-mind, that of God Himself must have been back of the Bible, inspiring each writer. 3. A Depth That Is Matchless. Man’s books are soon exhausted and tossed aside, for the reason that when the human mind has possessed their contents they are no longer needed. Man’s books are ever changing. These are the days of loose-leaf encyclopedias and dictionaries.

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