King's Business - 1920-01



tile war against the Bible and those who believe in it, and the same Satanic in­ fluence is being exerted by the Literary Guide, which we understand is circu­ lating in hospitals and kindred institu­ tions, and carrying the poisonous germs of unbelief wherever it goes. A wellr known rationalist writes therein: “ There is a myth circulating in our re­ ligious world that the war has inspired a religious revival. . . . The men from the trenches tell you that unless you mean that they have never seen so many chaplains in their lives, or never before been compelled to buy their ci­ garettes at a religious counter (in a Y. M. C. A. hut), they have not heard of the revival, and have not perceived any appreciable modification of the strong dialect of trench life.” FACE TO FACE WORK Dr. Nevius, the missionary to China, once said: “ I want no great preach­ ers in my field. That is not the sort of missionaries who are needed in China. If I can find a man who can talk familiarly face to face with an­ other man, wherever he meets him, I have missionary work for that kind of a man in China. The popular idea of the favorable conditions for successful preaching, says another, is to have an attractive building into which a large congregation shall be gathered, to be preached to by an eloquent preacher. KEEP LOOKING UP “ Keep looking up!” nor fear the gloom, And waste not time repining; There never was a cloud so black, But had a silver lining. “ Keep looking up!” Your kky will clear, And brighter be than ever; A loving Father holds your hand, And naught his love can sever.

the Jews are deeply impressed by the reports of a religious revival among them. Coincident with the Jewish New Year there has been a great demand for synagogue accommodation. In one North London congregation, in spite of the announcement that all available seats were allotted weeks ago, Sunday queues have lined up in the vicinity of the synagogue offices as early as 7:30 a. m. At this and other synagogues overflow services are held in adjacent halls. “ There are some,”' says one news­ paper writer, “ who are. inclined to re­ gard the present synagogue boom as the forerunner of a religious revival, a happy state of affairs which thé eccle­ siastical authorities would naturally welcome.” 1920 A. D. ^The promise of the land to Abraham was made according to the chronology of the Authorized Version (Gen. xiii.) in 1920 B. C. Is it hot a strange coinci­ dence that the fulfillment of this prom­ ise bids fair to take place in 1920 A. D.? Our Debt to the Jews There are industrious statisticians who estimate the difficulty and the com­ parative futility of Jewish missions in terms of dollars and cents. It takes so much money, they tell us, to convert a single Jew. Be it so that it does, it will take many more dollars and cents than we shall ever expend to repay our debt to Israel. This then was the desire of the Apostle’s heart. Is it the spirit in which we face the task of winning the Jews for Jesus Christ? It is beyond question the spirit which lies behind all sustained and effective effort for the end. And at this momentous hour especially we need a quickening of the. “ heart’s desire,” a clearer vision of Israel’s need, and a more compelling sense of obliga­ tion with reference to Israel’s deliver­ ance. 'Jews Battling Against the Bible A Jew is now the editor of the Free­ thinker, which still carries on its fu­

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