King's Business - 1920-01



Elisha. Our Saviour by instructing one poor woman, spread salvation to the whole town of Sychar. Philip preached the Gospel to a single gentleman, in his chariot upon the road; and he not only received it himself, but carried it into his, own country, and propagated it there. When Count Zinzendorf was a boy at school, he founded amongst his school­ fellows, a little guild which he called the “ Order of the Grain of Mustard Seed,” and thereafter that seedling grew into the great reed of the Mora­ vian Brotherhood, whose boughs were a blessing to the world. The Bisen Christ Needed Within. I have read somewhere about an old sculptor who had, among many other pieces of work in his workshop, the model of a beautiful cathedral. It was covered with the dust of years, and no­ body admired it, although it was an exact model, inside and out, of a fine cathedral. One day the old attendant placed a light inside the model, and its gleams shone through the beautiful stained glass windows. Then all stopped to admire its beauty. The change that was wrought by the light within was marvelous. It is so with us all. We' must have the light of Christ within. A British soldier in India, lying near death, had long neglected the calls of God, but was now anxious to find mer­ cy. To a Christian friend, living 100 miles away, he sent this telegraphic message, “ I am dying, what shall I do to be saved?” Immediately flashing along the wires came back the answer, “ Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.” The soldier be­ lieved, and soon afterward died with words of hope and triumph on his lips. God be thanked there is a better tele­ graphic communication than this; for every sin sick soul there is immediate communication with the heart of God.” R. S. McArthur, D. D.

The Subject Illustration—Preaching. Men do not perish because there are not sufficient truths to save them. What thousands of precious truths are uttered in men’s hearing every Sab­ bath. It is estimat- UESSON ed that 80,000 ser- ILLUSTBATIONS mons are preached W. H. Pike in England each week. In the Unit­ ed States there are at least 100,000 more sermons preached every week. To these can be added all the written truths, and yet there are men unsaved, by the thousands. A minister without boldness, is like a smooth file, a knife without an edge, a sentinel that is afraid to let off his gun. If men will be bold in sin, minis­ ters must be bold to reprove. The Bisen lo r d Gives the Spirit. “ Culture is good, genius is brilliant, civilization is a blessing, education is a great privilege; but we may be educated villains, the thing that we want most of all, is the precious gift of the Holy Ghost,” said Dr. John Hall. Another has said, “ You will find that for a smoking flax there is no specific like heaven’s oxygen; for a faint and flick­ ering piety there is no cure comparable to the one without which all our own exertions are but an effort to light a lamp in a vacuum— the breath of the Holy Spirit.” They have a custom in the villages on the Rhine, of anchoring a grist-mill in the middle of the river, where the current is strongest, and making the rapids grind the food of the whole com- . munity. So let every man plant himself in the midstream of God’s will and let the current of God’s Holy Spirit im­ part the momentum needed to execute the work. Few to Proclaim the Bisen Christ. One hundred and twenty were to make known Christ to the whole world. A little maid directed a great prince to

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