TUE K I NG ' S BUS I NESS 7 foster passion, but the church is the sole organization which develops those good motives of love, sympathy, hope and inspiration on which the industrial salvation of the world depends. But that organization is asleep, and other agencies which develop hate, jealousy and fear are running rampant.” Here are two prominent business men at almost the same time voicing almost the identical solution of the nation’s need,—sound, practical busi ness men. We do not know whether they are Christians or not but we do know that they have hit the nail squarely on the head. You can never solve the problem of the nation’s need with fife and drum and pageant parade. You can never solve the problem with surveys and resolutions. You can never solve the problem with the 20th Century methods of Christian work. You can pever solve the problem by legislation. You can only solve the problem by the use of God’s ordained means; the preaching of the Gospel of Grace, the Gospel of a crucified, resurrected Christ who, through faith in Him, can impart to men the power to live aright, to love their fellow-men aright. This has been proven to be the solution. Why does not the church apply it ? Why fiddle around with all sorts of schemes and endeavors which have been found to be unavailing? Why waste time when the call is so imperative and the conditions,so imperilling? Why not come back to the old fashioned Gospel and try it only for a year or so? We have tried every thing else until the church people have lost heart and are simply marking time in a perfunctory, indifferent way; putting the money into the same old grist mill that grinds away and yields so little grist. Where the old Gospel is preached and the good old Gospel is believed, you can find the holy, happy saints as of yore. You can find devotion to Christ-; separation from the world; practical application of the love of God in deeds of kind ness. There never was but one cure for the world’s feverish unrest, the cure that is offered'by the Man of the Cross,—“ Come unto Me, I will give you rest.” We know that this is true. We found it so for ourselves. We have found it so with men and women of every known walk in life. We don’t need anything more. We have the remedy, the Bible, God’s own and only rentedy. We need to be sensible, practical and apply it. The commis sion of the church from the lips of its Leader is the God-given remedy for all human conditions and needs. It is up to the Church to obey the command of the risen Lord and to occupy (do business) until He comes. Let us try it.—T. C. H. O N W A R D Christian Soldiers Let us make glad the heart of our Lord by joining with thousands of our fellow believers in prayer for a world wide revival in the body of Christ. Join with the Great Commission Prayer League of Chicago; with the call issued through the Sunday School Times for “ 50,000 which could keep rank” ; join with all saints everywhere in the earnest desire for the revival of the true church. Let us also answer our prayers by a definite effort for the saving of souls. Why not make 1920, if the Lord tarry, the greatest year of our lives in the matter of seeking to save some out of the wreck? Every reader is urged to join in the effort. Let us give ourselves with unstinted devotion to this work,—the work which He has committed to us ; the work which He took the joy in doing; the work which brings joy, in the presence
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