feeble for the simple reason that we are not continuing to make ourselves acquainted with God. Unless we search the Scriptures and by prayer, medita tion and the use of ordinances strive to grow in grace, those very elementary truths with which we rest satisfied will lose their freshness and power.— Saphir. No one can be a strong Chris tian until they make conscience of the study of God’s Word and continue steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine.— Peter preaches to a large number of people. Acts 2:14, 22-24, 32-42. Memory Verse. —- “ Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.” Acts 16:31. Approach.— You know after Jesus arose 'from the dead, He stayed here on earth for a number of days with His disciples and friends, and of course they had such good BEGINNERS times together for AND PRIMARY the people who Mabel L. Merrill loved Jesus were so happy to have Him alive again. One day they all took a little walk with Jesus out to the Mount of Olives, and while Jesus was talking to them He was taken up in the clouds into heaven. Before He went back to heaven He had told the disciples and friends who were with Him to gather together in the upper room where they had often met with Jesus, and hold a prayer meeting,' and that in a few days
God would send His Holy Spirit down upon them who would be with them and help them now that Jesus had gone back to heaven. Now in our wonder ful story for today we are to hear what happened after this prayer meeting. Prayer. Besson Story.— Prayer we know is talking with Jesus, and even while we cannot see Him with these eyes, we know that He hears us, and the dis ciples of course missed Jesus and needed to meet together and pray, for praying to Jesus always makes us stronger. Now God kept His promise, and God always keeps every promise He makes, and after the disciples and friends had met and prayed, God’s Holy Spirit came up on them, and then the disciples went out. into the streets of the city, and they were so very happy after having such a wonderful prayer meeting, and the power of God coming into their lives through God’s . Holy Spirit, the people could see a change in 'them. You can remember when you are just as happy as you can be, how it shines out in your eyes and faces? The people noticed their bright, happy faces, and they even talked in such a wonderful way, that in a little while a great crowd of people had gathered around them. Peter, one of Jesus’ disciples, stood up and began to preach to the people. What do you think Peter told the people? He told them all about Jesus, and the won derful things He did while He was liv ing on earth, which showed that God had sent Him. Then Peter told them how some of them who were listening to him preach had helped to put Jesus to death. He also told them that Jesus had risen from the dead, because ,He was God’s Son, and God had made Him alive again, and then Peter said some thing that caused every one to listen very carefully. We, His apostles, have seen Him since He arose. So now all you who are listening to me, may know
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