King's Business - 1920-01

THE K I NG ' S BUS I NESS Jesus was a stumbling block to the Jews.— Camb. Bible. v. 8. Walking and leaping and prais­ ing God. It is a bad sign when a new born babe has1lungs so weak it cannot be heard.— Cole. When the shout ot new life stops in a church it is a sign of death in the pews.—McNeill. It was utterly different from the case of many today who loudly and persistently pro­ claim that they have been healed when to all appearances they are as sick as ever. This was no Christian Science healing but an instant, genuine and radical change.—-Torrey. For delight at his new strength he cannot put it too much in exercise. This exultant use of the gift was a part of his praising God. — Lumby. Sticklers for propriety who blamed the man’s extravagance, and would have him pass along with sober gait and downcast eyes like a Pharisee, did not know what made him thus ob­ streperous even in his devout thankful­ ness. Before we blame let us be sure that we understand.—Maclaren. v. 11. Lame man held Peter and John. Those whom God has healed love those whom He has made instru­ ments of their healing and see the need of their further help.—Henry. v. 13. God hath glorified His Son. How unlike many modern claimants to healing power. The disciples wished them to get their eyes upon the Lord only.— Sel. v. 14. Ye denied the Holy One. Whom even the demoniac (Mk. 1:24) had confessed to be the Holy One of God.— Camb. Bible. v. 16. Killed the Prince of Life. Glorious paradox, but how piercing to the conscience of the auditors. With what heroic courage does Peter charge them with the heaviest of all conceiv­ able crimes.— J. F. & B. The author of eternal life (Jno. 3:16; 11:26) im­ plying the deity of Jesus (cf Jno. 1:4; 1 Jno. 1 :2 ).—Dummelow. There are


here three strange and contradictory things, the paradoxes of man’s per­ verted fatal choice; of man’s hate bringing death to the Lord of life and of God’s love and power causing life to come by death.-||Sel. v. 16. Through faith in His name. Faith is merely connection between us and the blessing or the Blesser. We should therefore take our eyes away from our faith and fix our attention upon Jesus only.— Trumbull. Peter and John Heal a Lame Man. Acts 3:1-16. Memory Verse.S“ And all the people saw him walking and praising God. Acts 3:9. Approach.— Children, how many of ' you were carried into our Sunday School room this morning? Not one. You all walked in yourself. Are there any people in the world BEGINNERS who can not walk? AND PRIMARY Yes, a great many Mabel L. Merrill people who can not walk, and some who never have walked in all their life. These people we call lame or crippled people, and our Bible story today is about a lame man. Let us bow our heads" and thank Jesus for our strong feet and limbs that carry us wherever we want to go. Lesson Story.— The first thing we learn in our story is that Peter and John were together, for they were very good friends you remember. They were going some where in the afternoon, and where do you suppose they were going? They were going to the temple, or church.' A poor man who had been lame ever since he was born, was car­ ried every day by his friends, and laid at the temple gate, so that he could ask for money, of those who came up to worship. What a sad life it was for the poor lame man. He had never been able to run and play when a little

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