boy, or play any games because his feet were crippled and he could not even stand up on them. As soon as Peter and John came up and were about to enter the temple, the lame man put out his hand and asked them for money. Peter and John stopped, and Peter looked right straight at the lame man and said, look at us. The lame man looked at Peter and John for he thought now they were paying so much attention to him that they were going to give him some money. Then Peter said, I have no silver and gold, but what I have I will give to you. I tell you _in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, to rise up and walk. And Peter took him by the hand and lifted him up, and right away his feet and ankle bones were made strong. The lame man, leaping up, stood and walked and went with Peter and John into the temple, walking, and leaping, and praising God. When the people saw the lame man walking in the temple, they were filled with wonder, and could not imagine what had happened, and they all ran to the place where Peter and John were standing. Then Peter spoke to the people and asked them why they were so surprised to see the lame man walking, or why they looked at them as if they had made him to walk? Peter told the people that it was Jesus who had given them the power to heal the lame man. My, didn’t the poor lame man have some thing that made him happy, and he just jumped up and down and praised God because he could use his feet and
walk, and boys and girls, you know I want to meet this man when I get to heaven and have him tell me all about himself and especially about this won derful day in the temple when God healed him and made him to walk. He did more than a good many people do now, he praised God for the great blessing of being able to walk. You know God has given us so many good things, and we ought always to remem ber and thank Him for them. We even have something better to thank God for than the lame man, and that is that we have always been able to walk, and join in with other boys and girls in play. What a wonderful lesson the lame man gave to all the people that saw him that day, for he praised God. That is our Memory verse, so let us say it together. And all the people saw him walking, and praising God. Closing Prayer. — Dear Jesus, we thank Thee again for our feet, and may we always want our feet to take us to the house of God. ate ate HOME RELIGION We must have a revival of home re ligion in this country. We are never go ing to get the church very much higher than the home. A home consecrated to Jesus Christ means more in the up lifting of a community than anyone can ever tell. We must come to this or our business, the very thing which now prevents Christ in the home, will be crushed.^Len G. Broughton. a& ate HIS ELEGANCE “ The Rev. O. Goode Evans is so re fined in all his utterance!” fluttered Mrs. Pifflegilder. “ Yes,” returned J. Fuller Gloom. “ He seems to be a firm believer in the Hell Beautiful.”
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