day by day. As a young person, you may be absolutely brain-beaten by the noise of life and confusion on every hand. You are at a loss as to what you should do. Thank God, there is an answer! When you come to the cross, you can go right on with Him. The Saviour has promised, “I’ll never leave thee nor forsake thee. Lo, I am with you alway.” If you’ve never come to the cross, trusting Christ as your Saviour, why don’t you take this perfect way just now? Then, for those of you who are Christians, yet are bewildered and confused, stop looking for names and numbers. There’s only Jesus. It’s the Saviour who knows the way He’s going. If you’re with Him, all you need to know is that He will never leave or forsake you. Make sure your faith is totally in Him. What if I say, “The Bible is God’s holy Word, Complete, inspired, without a flaw." But let its pages stay Unread from day to day, And fail to learn there from God’s law; What if I go not there to seek The truth of which I glibly speak, For guidance on this earthly way; Does it matter what I say? What if I say That Jesus Christ is Lord divine; Yet fellow-pilgrims can behold Naught of the Master’s love in me, No grace of kindly sympathy? If I am of the Shepherd’s fold, Then shall I know the Shepherd's voice And gladly make His way my choice. We are saved by faith, yet faith is one With life, like daylight and the sun. Unless they flower in our deeds Dead, empty husks are all the creeds. To call Christ Lord, but strive not to obey, Belies the homage that with words I pay. — Maude Frazer Jackson SAFE
THE BUILDER A builder built a temple; He wrought it with grace and skill. Pillars, braces, and arches. He fashioned to suit his will. Men said as they saw its beauty, “It shall never know decay. Oh, great is thy fame, oh, builder, Thy name shall live on for aye.” A teacher built a temple, With love and infinite care. Planning each arch with patience, Laying each stone with prayer, No one knew of her unceasing efforts None knew of her wondrous plan, For the temple the teacher builded, Was unseen by the eyes of men. Gone is the builder’s temple Crumbling into the dust Low lies each stately pillar, Food for consuming rust. But the temple the teacher builded Shall live on while the ages roll; For that beautiful, unseen temple Is a child’s immortal soul.
Each weekseveral hundred Biola sfndents, in con junctionwith World Oportunities, travel tothe Wats and Mead areas of Los Angeles to share the mes sage of the Gospel with the boys and girls. After various activities and sports recreation, the children hear a lesson from God's Word. Pictured is Biola student, Dave Beckwith, leading a group of boys in prayer.
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